Northern Parula

Northern Parulas at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin. In the couple of hours I spent birding there, a couple of Northern Parulas showed and gave nice views as they were foraging through the trees on insects. Other warbler species present were Blackburnian, Palm, Yellow, Blackpoll, Black-and-white, Yellow-rumped, Magnolia, American Redstart and Chestnut-sided. It was a overcast day, dark day at times, 50’s, but still a nice day to be out viewing all the warbler action. It appears all the images are of males. Images taken on May 14, 2014.


Northern Parula

Binomial name: Parula americana

Category: Wood-Warblers

Size: 4.5” long, 7” wingspan

Weight: 0.3 oz.









