The Cassin’s Kingbird, so very rare to the state of Wisconsin, in fact the 1st state record seen on June 6. This birds normal range is southwestern US. At 2:15 AM, Greg and I made the run up to Marathon County with hopes to see the bird on the second day. The bird was seen in the area northeast of the intersection of Huckleberry Road and Chestnut Hill Ln. just east of Colby, WI. After arriving about 5:30 AM, and 2 hours of searching and rain, I spotted the Cassin’s at the same location it was seen yesterday. It must have been perched out of site until found this morning or off somewhere. It gave nice but distant views for well over an hour and we never really lost sight of it as it moved back and forth over the road, telephone wires, high trees etc. Dan B originally found this bird yesterday looking for Dickcissel’s. A big thank you to him for the find and getting the word out for others to see. Wisconsin life bird #368 for me. A day of rain the whole time we were present and a breeze too. Images were taken on June 6, 2022.
Cassin’s Kingbird in Marathon County Wisconsin on June 6, 2022
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Thats amazing. Congratulations
One life bird after another ! Hooray !