Long-tailed Duck at the South Milwaukee Yacht Club in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on November 4, 2023

A stop at the South Milwaukee Yacht Club gave great views of an adult male Long-tailed Duck. It was moving around for just a short time when I arrived and then rested for a good 30 minutes. Something from above caught the bird’s eye and it was up for a couple minutes before going back in the resting mode. I got some shots of the beautiful Long-tailed Duck in between resting times. I was a mostly sunny day with little winds and mild temps near 60 degrees. Images were taken on November 4, 2023

The beautiful Long-tailed Duck, male…

There is the long tail…

Resting and always watching too…

The Long-tailed Duck stretching, look at that tail!

More resting, what it did most of the time I was there…

Long-tailed Duck at Port Washington in Ozaukee County Wisconsin on December 26, 2020

A stop today at Port Washington gave nice looks a Long-tailed Duck. This stunning male has been seen for a few days on and off recently. It fed many times on fish while I was present. It was a cloudy day, very cold around 18 degrees when I arrived. A slight wind which just made it feel colder. Images were taken on December 26 and 28th, 2020.

Long-tailed Duck, male

A nice look!

Coming in to feed…

Coming in…

When it dives for food, it appears it gets fish 50% of the time…

That long tail, wow!

Long-tailed Duck on December 28 with some sun…

Long-tailed Duck on December 28 with some sun taking off…

Long-tailed Duck at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on December 3, 2018

While out birding some of the Milwaukee lakefront today, the highlight was a female adult Long-tailed Duck. The duck continually dove for food the whole time I was present which was about 15-20 minutes. No other ducks were in the area of this one. Always in search this time of year for a Snowy Owl, I came up empty. A couple hundred Greater Scaup were present in the lagoon near Summerfest along with a couple Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Goldeneye and one lone female Bufflehead. It was a chilly morning with cloudy skies, stiff winds out of the north, temps were around 31 degrees. Images were taken on December 3, 2018.

Long-tailed Duck, female in winter plumage…

In coming…

Thinking about the next dive under…

Going down…

Halfway in…

Short tail feathers…

Paddling in…

Beauty of the back…

Looking around…

Long-tailed Ducks at McKinley Marina in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on April 16, 2018

Doing some birding along the lakefront in Milwaukee right after a good snow I did not except to see much. 6 Long-tailed Ducks were doing some feeding at the McKinley Marina was probably the highlight for the day. It looked like 2 males and 4 females, they were spread out in the area. They continually feed while I was there giving a few nice views.  It was a cloudy and chilly with winds from the west and snow flurries coming down non stop all day, temps around 31 degrees. It looked like Milwaukee had 5-6″ of snow on the ground from the last 2 days, it suppose to be spring? Images were taken on April 16, 2018.

Long-tailed Duck, adult male, just up from a dive

Long-tailed Duck, adult male just cruising along…

Long-tailed Duck, adult female in non-breeding plumage

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male just looking around…

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male looking pretty…

The dive…

Long-tailed Duck, adult male with flurries coming down…

Closeup…just up from a dive…

Long-tailed Duck at Bender Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on February 26, 2018

A stop at Bender Park in Milwaukee County this morning gave nice views of a adult female Long-tailed Duck. Considered a diving duck, this duck dove for food most of the time while I was present. I think a cool looking duck anytime of the year. Other stops I made along the lake were very quiet except I did see large flocks of winter ducks moving north far out in the water. Another note, later in the day in Waukesha County I saw very many large flocks of Sandhill Cranes flying north. It was a mild day with temps in the 40’s, low winds and plenty of sunshine. Images were taken on February 26, 2018.

The Long-tailed Duck just up from a dive…

Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb

Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw, the female Long-tailed Duck does not get the long tail, just the adult male.

Just up from a dive, a weed still hanging on its bill…

Long-tailed Ducks at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on December 15, 2017

Early this morning I found 12 Long-tailed Ducks feeding at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee. The last couple of days I had found groups of first 6 then 9 yesterday, now 12! They all appear to be immature or females. I have not studied them close as of yet. They typically all dive about the same time, get their food, surface, look around, regroup and dive once again. I walked the park early just after sun up and these ducks were not around. These typically stay very close together as a group. A couple of hours later they came in from farther out from the south. In the last few days it appears these ducks have a circuit  they do for food, and have numerous places they feed. I saw a group of 8-10 off  Texas Ave yesterday. Maybe they are the same ducks. This is the first year I have seen more than 1 or 2. The morning started out with some snow flurries that gave way to mostly sunny skies for the morning. It was cold, temps started at 16 and there was a good wind from the west. Images were taken on December 15, 2017.

Long-tailed Ducks, all 12

Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb

Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw

They all dive about the same time, here are a few in this image…

They come in fast to feed just off the shore in water 15′-20′ deep…

Before the dive…

Start of the dive…

The dive…

Up close…

The blue sky reflection with the Long-tailed Duck…

Long-tailed Ducks at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on November 5, 2017

It was a day with some occasionally mist cloudy skies but I decided to hit a few birding spots along the lake. The highlight of the day was a pair of Long-tailed Ducks at Lakeshore State Park. They were adult females in their winter plumage. They did some on and off diving for food but there were a few people around and fishing boats that kept them out off of shore most of the time. Bradford Beach to the north had scoters but it was too foggy to make them out when I was there. One female Red-breasted Merganser was one of the only ducks in the lagoon, well there were fisherman everywhere today in boats and on land so that makes sense. A cool day at 45 degrees with cloudy skies and some fog. Images were taken on November 5, 2017.

Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb

Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw

Left one going for the dive, the one on the right already in, just a swirl…

Long-tailed Duck at Bender Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on March 7, 2016

I birded parts of the Milwaukee County lakefront today and the highlight of the day was my first stop at Bender Park. I saw the report from Dave G yesterday of the adult Long-tailed Duck at the park and the duck was still present today, thanks Dave! It gave nice views in the early morning sun, diving for food, preening and just relaxing while I was there. Shortly after arriving 3 fishing rigs came into the boat launch area and the duck moved towards the open water. Other areas I checked along the lake showed few ducks and gulls. Some areas had displaying Red-winged Blackbirds but that was about it. The ice in the lagoon at Lakeshore State Park was shrinking fast and they were ice fishing there yesterday! Images were taken on March 7, 2016.


Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb

Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw



The dive!

The dive!

The dive!

The dive!

The dive!

The dive!

The dive!

The dive!

The tail!

The tail!






Preening that long tail!

Preening that long tail!

Preening that long tail!

Preening that long tail!


The drop!


The drip!



The long tail!

The long tail!

Just relaxing...

Just relaxing…







Long-tailed Duck and more at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on December 10, 2015

I hit the lakefront in Milwaukee early this morning. I stopped at the beaches and marinas and not much was happening. I stopped at Lakeshore State Park and did a walk through and stumbled across 3 Snow Bunting that hung around for about 1 second. I checked the pond area and it had a few Greater Scaups and in them was the female Long-tailed Duck that Todd had reported yesterday. I watched it for awhile and they were all actively feeding most of the time I was present. The Long-tailed Duck being smaller still got very pushy around the scaups. I watched something interesting happen and I captured it some what on camera. The ducks where all hanging out a scattered group and the Long-tailed Duck takes off, does a 180 for about 200 feet, bolts like a bullet, then settles down. The scaups follow it but at a slower pace. Only thing I could figure out is that a very large fish had went for the duck. I saw nothing above that could have startled that poor duck! Most ducks I have seen in one place so far this season. 2 Pied-billed Grebes and Double-crested Cormorants were also present at the park. A fun day out, wind was cool, mostly cloudy I would say. The winds were picking up when I left. Images were taken on December 10, 2015.

Long-tailed Duck, female

Long-tailed Duck, female

Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb

Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw

Long-tailed Duck, female, thinking about making the dive!

Long-tailed Duck, female, thinking about making the dive!

Long-tailed Duck, female, still thinking about making the dive!

Long-tailed Duck, female, still thinking about making the dive!

Long-tailed Duck, female, making the dive

Long-tailed Duck, female, making the dive

Long-tailed Duck, female, making the dive

Long-tailed Duck, female, making the dive

Long-tailed Duck, female, done!

Long-tailed Duck, female, done!

Pied -billed Grebe

Pied-billed Grebe


Greater Scaup, female adult

Greater Scaup, male adult

Greater Scaup, male adult

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female, stretching

Long-tailed Duck, female

Long-tailed Duck, female

Long-tailed Duck, female

Long-tailed Duck, female

Long-tailed Duck, female

Long-tailed Duck, female

Greater Scaup, male adult

Greater Scaup, male adult

Greater Scaup, female adult

Greater Scaup, female adult

Long-tailed Duck, female just hanging out with the scaups

Long-tailed Duck, female just hanging out with the scaups

Long-tailed Duck, female was thinking about stretching but did not

Long-tailed Duck, female was thinking about stretching but did not

Something startles the Long-tailed Duck!

Something startles the Long-tailed Duck!

Duck does 180! Long-tailed Duck is startled and takes off like a bullet!

Duck does 180! Long-tailed Duck is startled and takes off like a bullet!

The Long-tailed Duck in on the move!

The Long-tailed Duck is on the move doing 180!

The Long-tailed Duck is on the move, still getting turned around

The Long-tailed Duck is on the move, still getting turned around

And away the duck goes!

And away the duck goes!

Still going!

Still going!

Still going!

Still going and the scaups have joined in on the exit!

And still going!

And still going!

Still going!

Still going!

And after a couple hundred feet it settles down

And after a couple hundred feet it settles down, I can only think it was a fish?

Quick shot of a distant Snow Bunting at the park

Quick shot of a distant Snow Bunting at the park

Long-tailed Ducks at Manitowoc Wisconsin on December 8, 2015

Early this morning I made a run up to Manitowoc with hopes to see a few recent reported birds. I had hoped for some sun but it remained overcast all morning. I saw 4 Long-tailed Ducks in the harbor. 1 adult male and 3 adult females. These ducks were skittish and for the most part the hung out in the middle of the harbor there which is pretty good size. 2 times they came in for some diving. Stunning ducks, my 2nd time seeing an adult male, and never this close. I had to hide behind a concrete barrier for some time and stay out of sight for them to come in, but it worked. The nice views were very limited. That was it for Manitowoc. My next stop was Sheboygan and I had no luck in seeing the reported female Harlequin Duck. I checked all places I usually check 3 times and out in the water all places. I noticed now it was reported again this afternoon, that is birding. 1 Great Black-backed Gull I was present on a breakwall there. My last stop was at the Port Washington Harbor, very quiet with the usual suspects. All places I thought had few ducks. A cloudy day, the wind was cold at Manitowoc, but other places not too bad. Still a fun day out birding! Images were taken on December 8, 2015.

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb

Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Tail, last thing down for the dive!

The long tail, making a dive!

Long-tailed Duck, adult female

Long-tailed Duck, adult female

Long-tailed Duck, adult female

Long-tailed Duck, adult female

Long-tailed Duck, adult female stretching

Long-tailed Duck, adult female stretching

Long-tailed Duck, adult male left - Long-tailed Duck, adult female right

Long-tailed Duck, adult male left – Long-tailed Duck, adult female right

Long-tailed Duck, adult male right - Long-tailed Duck, adult female left

Long-tailed Duck, adult male right – Long-tailed Duck, adult female left

Long-tailed Duck, adult female making a dive!

Long-tailed Duck, adult female making a dive!

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult female

Long-tailed Duck, adult female

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult male

Long-tailed Duck, adult female left - Long-tailed Duck, adult male right

Long-tailed Duck, adult female left – Long-tailed Duck, adult male right

Long-tailed Ducks at Sheboygan Wisconsin on November 29, 2015

I hit a few spots along Lake Michigan this morning north of Milwaukee in hopes that some of the nice birds reported from the north have come south. Nothing rare to report, but I did see the 2 Long-tailed Ducks that Nancy reported yesterday and they are always a treat. Thank you Nancy! The two female Long-tailed Ducks were hanging out around the marina area, once in a while with some mallards too. They did a lot of preening during the time I was there which was short lived as a few fishermen kept making a lot of noise, the Long-tailed Ducks moved out some. I only saw one duck dive once. Port Washington was slow, but still a great place to watch. It was a very cold morning with a light breeze out of the north, some sun. Images were taken on November 29, 2015.


Taking a drink!

Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb

Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw











Both preening







Long-tailed Duck at the South Shore Yacht Club in Milwaukee Wisconsin December 6, 2014

I birded the Milwaukee lakefront this morning and the highlight of the day was a adult female Long-tailed Duck. Jym M. found the gorgeous Long-tailed Duck hanging out in the boat dock area there. Thanks Jym! I ran into Jym while birding Bradford Beach looking through gulls. I had looked hard and ran into other birders looking for the reported Kumlien’s Iceland Gull Jym found yesterday with no luck at numerous gull hangouts. Lots of gulls along the lakefront this morning, I just could not find anything odd. The Snowy Owl was still hanging out in the culvert pipe at the Lake Express Ferry catching sun. Images were taken on December 6, 2014.


Long-tailed Duck

Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis

Category: Duck, Geese, and Swans

Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span

Weight: 1.6 lb.

Note: Long-tailed Duck formally known as Oldsquaw







Tail shot

Tail shot

Tail shot

Tail shot

Looking at you!

Looking at you!