Horned Larks in Waukesha County Wisconsin on February 14, 2025

Driving some of the back roads in Waukesha County this morning I came across a flock of Horned Larks. A common place to find them, but not always, on Kincaid Ln, Dousman, the road going into Paradise Valley WA. There were about 15 of them and they were eating grass or weed seeds along the shoulder of the road that was plowed. This is a common event with these birds in the winter months but not always easy to locate. The first ones I have come across this winter. It was a cloudy day and with some wind, temps were 20 degrees. Images were taken on February 14, 2025.

The Horned Lark…

With a grass or weed seed in the bill…

Here digging and finding grass or weed seeds in the snow along the road…

With a grass or weed seed…

On the run…

With a grass or weed seed just dug out of the snow…

Horned Larks in Waukesha County Wisconsin on February 27, 2022

Birding in the Oconomowoc area I came across 5 Horned Larks finding seeds on the roadside to eat. These birds typically don’t let you get too close to them so these couple of images were taken out of the car window while parked. A sunny morning with cool temps but low winds made for a nice birding run. Images were taken on February 27, 2022.

The Horned Lark in a grassy area finding seeds to eat…

This Horned Lark on a small bank of snow just perched…

Horned Larks at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 11, 2020

While birding Lakeshore State Park I had brief views of Horned Larks. There were 5 present feeding along the east end of the park. I got a couple of shots off, but with all pedestrians, dog walkers, bikers, etc, these birds did not hang around and left the park. It was nice to see them even for a couple of minutes. A cloudy day but temps were pleasant. Images were taken on October 11, 2020.

Horned Lark, a little bit of a horn showing here…

5 of the feeding in a area just off the walk…

Looking for something to eat, that is all they did…

Maybe something here…

A look back…

Horned Larks at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on November 1, 2019

While birding Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee the highlight of the walk were two adult Horned Larks feeding on seeds in the grass in the snow. On one occasion I saw one eat an insect, so they are not strictly seed eaters. They pulled seeds off of plants and ate nicely while I watched from a distance until a jogger not knowingly flush them off a ways. It was partly cloudy, low winds and temps around 30 degrees. Images were taken on November 1, 2019.

Horned Lark, one of two present…

Horned Lark

Binomial name: Eremophila alpestri

Category: Chickadees and Titmice

Size: 7.25” long, 12” wing span

Weight:  1.1 oz

Picking seeds off of a plant and eating them…

Seed in the bill…

Getting another seed off the plant….

Another seed in the bill…

Another seed in the bill…

They were in a grass area for a moment…

Insect in the bill here…

A closer look…

Horned Lark at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 18, 2017

Birding some of the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning it was basically quiet. On my second run to McKinley Beach I got a text from Mike W. He had seen a Horned Lark. I arrived seconds later and it was still present in the beach area. It fed along the beach area sorta hanging with a Sanderling. I feel this bird is a adult male in non-breeding plumage. It hung around for a while and I did some other birding in the area. I checked later and the bird had left. I would think the bird is in the area. The only other bird there as mentioned was the one lone Sanderling. It was just a gorgeous day with full sun, warm temps and a nice breeze to keep things cool. Images were taken on October 18, 2017

Horned Lark

Horned Lark

Binomial name: Eremophila alpestri

Category: Chickadees and Titmice

Size: 7.25” long, 12” wing span

Weight:  1.1 oz

Horned Lark just working the beach for food

Horned Lark in search for food…

Horned Lark with possibly something to eat…

Horned Lark just standing pretty…

Horned Lark looking..

Horned Lark digging around for something to eat…

Horned Lark on the move…

The close up…

Horned Larks at Johnson Creek in Jefferson County Wisconsin on February 11, 2016

1 of a few Horned Larks at Johnson Creek on February 11, 2016. Cool birds that are typically found in small and large flocks on the roadside shoulders or in open fields eating weed seeds this time of year. Images were taken on February 11, 2016.


Horned Lark

Binomial name: Eremophila alpestri

Category: Chickadees and Titmice

Size: 7.25” long, 12” wing span

Weight:  1.1 oz
