Harris’s Sparrow at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 21, 2024

One of my birding stops this morning was Lakeshore State Park. Greeting me at the entrance of the park when I arrived was a Harris’s Sparrow perched on top of a crab apple tree. Not a rare bird, but a bird you are typically only going to see 1 or 2 a year here in Wisconsin if you are lucky. Their range is more west of Wisconsin. This has been an unusual for them as there have been many seen throughout the state in the last month.  It was there for 10 seconds, enough for a photo and then it flew north. I hung around for another 45 minutes as other sparrows were present but it never showed again. It was a beautiful fall morning with nice sun, low winds and mild temps. Image was taken on October 21, 2024.

Snow Buntings at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on November 2, 2023

One of my birding stops this morning provided nice looks at a couple of Snow Buntings at McKinley Beach. They were just perched on some rocks up off the beach area. Typically I find the Snow Buntings eating grass and weed seeds at this location but this morning there was no action of that, just nice looks. It was a partly cloudy morning with mild temps around 34 degrees but the steady winds along the lake really made it feel cold. Images were taken on November 2, 2023.

A Snow Bunting just perched pretty…

Lapland Longspur at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on September 27, 2022

A stop at Lakeshore State Park this morning in Milwaukee provided nice views of a Lapland Longspur. I found this bird on the south end of the park moving around on the rocks finding things to eat. This is a typical location to find this species this time of year. It was a partly cloudy day with a good wind and cool temps around 55 degrees. Images were taken on September 27, 2022.

The Lapland Longspur giving nice views…

Snow Buntings at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on November 3, 2021

A stop at McKinley Beach this morning gave nice views of Snow Buntings. There were about 15 present and were resting on some of the rocks along the lake or on grassy areas eating seeds. It was a cold morning with temps starting out around 25 degrees but with no wind and sunny skies it was pleasant. Images were taken on November 3, 2021.

The Snow Bunting…

Snow Bunting

Binomial name: Plectrophenax nivalis

Category: Longspurs and Snow Buntings

Size: 6.75” long, 14” wing span

Weight:  1.5 oz

Note: An arctic breeder that winters in the northern US and western Canada

Getting seeds to eat…seed in bill…they really blend in well in their surroundings…

More seeds to eat…

What they eat…

On the rocks….

Beautiful bird…

Snow Buntings at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on October 25, 2020

Birding along the lakefront around noon in Milwaukee produced Snow Buntings at McKinley Beach. I came across 9 of them walking the area. They continually fed on grass or weeds seeds while I was present and did not move around much. Beautiful birds they are, first of the fall for me! It was a cold late morning when I was there with a good wind from the north, cloudy skies with temps around upper 30’s.

The Snow Bunting…on the rocks…

A slight wing stretch…

Eating grass seeds…

In search of grass seeds…

Eating grass seeds…

Eating grass seeds…

Just a pose…

A look to the left…beautiful feathers…

On the rocks…

Eating grass seeds…

Eating grass seeds…

Eating grass seeds…

Eating grass seeds…

Looking for more seeds to eat…

A beautiful species that blends in very well with the surroundings…

On the rocks…

Snow Buntings at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 23, 2018

One of my birding stops on Milwaukee’s lakefront produced a small flock of 3 Snow Buntings. 1st of the year for me so that was a real treat. They fed in a gravel area finding and eating grass or weed seeds. They are a stunning-beautiful bird anytime of year, and today they were just that. I hung around for awhile and took a few shots to share. A few walkers in the area flushed the Snow Buntings not knowingly but the birds returned after a few minutes and continued to eat weed or grass seeds. It was a beautiful morning out with full sun, low winds and temps in the upper 40’s at the time I was there. Images were taken on October 23, 2018.

Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting

Binomial name: Plectrophenax nivalis

Category: Longspurs and Snow Buntings

Size: 6.75” long, 14” wing span

Weight:  1.5 oz

Note: An arctic breeder that winters in the northern US and western Canada

Snow Bunting eating seeds…

The Snow Bunting looking for seeds in the gravel…

Removing the seed from the old grass stalk…

Two of them…

Something in the bill, a seed I’m sure…

The Snow Bunting eyes up the seed on this old stalk…

Then it takes the seed and eats it…

Eating more seeds…

Looking for seeds in the gravel…

The beauty in the back…they blend in so well in their surroundings…

A little fluffed up here…

Perched pretty…

Snow Bunting at Mckinley Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on December 3, 2017

Doing some birding along the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning the highlight was a lone Snow Bunting.  Finding it on the rocks at McKinley Beach, it then moved to a stony area with little grass on high ground. It fed continually while I was there eating grass and weed seeds on the ground. Stunning bird to see and watch eat too. These birds are easily seen along roadsides on the shoulder in the gravel after snow is plowed and also in open fields I would think where ever they can find seeds or insects if they are present. It was a mild December day, with sunny skies, winds were nothing as the big lake was calm, temps got into the 50’s. Images were taken on December 3, 2017.

The Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting

Binomial name: Plectrophenax nivalis

Category: Longspurs and Snow Buntings

Size: 6.75” long, 14” wing span

Weight:  1.5 oz

The look back…

Looking for the seeds and there were plenty…

Getting that seed on the ground between the two tiny stones…

Seed in the bill…

Looking for seeds…

Seed in the bill…

Straight on, look at the shape of that bill…

Cracking that seed…

Eating that seed…

With a seed in the bill…

The close-up

Smith’s Longspur at Brooklyn Wildlife Area in Dane County Wisconsin on April 25, 2016

Bill Grossmeyer and I made the trip out to Brooklyn Wildlife Area in Dane County this morning with hopes to see Smith’s Longspurs that have been reported recently by Steve T and others, thanks all. We both knew this was like looking for a needle in a haystack. After about 3 hours of a lot of walking, up and down corn rows Bill with his keen vision spotted a female, then a male. It was an exciting moment. A little stressful when a birder standing next to you can see a life bird, and you cannot. That is how good the Smith’s Longspurs blend in with the surrounding area. Life birds for both of us and a great time too. Images were taken on April 25, 2016.


Smith’s Longspur, male

Smith’s Longspur

Binomial name: Calcarius pictus

Category: Longspurs

Size: 6.25” long, 11.25” wing span

Weight: .91 oz


Smith’s Longspur, male


Smith’s Longspur, male


Smith’s Longspur, male

Smith's Longspur, male in a fly by

Smith’s Longspur, male in a fly by

Smith's Longspur, male in a fly by

Smith’s Longspur, male in a fly by



Lapland Longspur at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 15, 2015

I birded some of the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning and one of the highlights was this Lapland Longspur at Lakeshore State Park. This adult nonbreeding male feed on a path eating seeds that have fallen to the ground. Also present at the beach at Lakeshore State Park was a Black-bellied Plover along with 3 Killdeer hanging out with a group of gulls. It was a mostly cloudy day, on a couple occasions the sun shinned for a minute or two, temps were a little on the cool side with low winds. Images were taken on October 15, 2015.


Lapland Longspur, adult nonbreeding male

Lapland Longspur

Binomial name: Calcarius lapponicus

Category: Lapwings and Plovers

Size: 6.25” long, 11.5” wing span

Weight: 0.95 oz

Cool facts: This common bird breeds in the Arctic tundra, and winters in open fields across most of the United States and southern Canada.



Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path


Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path




With seed

With seed

With seed

With seed





Back view

Back view



Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

With food in bill

With food in bill




