Killdeer in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on March 10, 2017

I came across some Killdeer today drinking water out of a half frozen puddle in Milwaukee County. Temperatures remained below freezing all day but the Killdeer still found some open water. Watching them in a short grass field they also appeared to find food today, a good thing! A cold and windy day today with some sun, the high for the day was 26 degrees. Images were taken on March 10, 2017.







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About admin

Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

5 Responses to Killdeer in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on March 10, 2017

  1. Peggy Lison says:

    beautiful reflections in the water Jim

  2. Annie says:

    Always a spring favorite. Thanks Jim

  3. Kathi Johnson Rock says:

    I love these images Jim. One of my favorite birds in early spring. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Carl Schwartz says:

    Further proof that birds don’t have to be rare to be fascinating

  5. Nan Wisherd says:

    Super photos, Jim! Thanks for sharing.

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