I hit a few spots along Lake Michigan this morning north of Milwaukee in hopes that some of the nice birds reported from the north have come south. Nothing rare to report, but I did see the 2 Long-tailed Ducks that Nancy reported yesterday and they are always a treat. Thank you Nancy! The two female Long-tailed Ducks were hanging out around the marina area, once in a while with some mallards too. They did a lot of preening during the time I was there which was short lived as a few fishermen kept making a lot of noise, the Long-tailed Ducks moved out some. I only saw one duck dive once. Port Washington was slow, but still a great place to watch. It was a very cold morning with a light breeze out of the north, some sun. Images were taken on November 29, 2015.
Long-tailed Duck
Binomial name: Clangula hyemalis
Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans
Size: 16.5” long, 28” wing span
Weight: 1.6 lb
Cool Fact: This duck was once known as Oldsquaw
One of my favorite ducks. What a treat! thanks, Jim, for sharing
Oldsquaw ……now I remember…..they are very unique. Thanks again for such clear pics. One can study them better than seeing them in person.
Great series Jim!