While driving on a back road in Marquette County with my son this morning we spotted a stunning Red-shouldered Hawk sitting on a branch in a wooded parcel about 50 feet off the road. I pulled over and took a couple shots. After about 30 seconds it flew about 50 feet down the road but remained in the woods. The colors on this bird when the wings went up and it flew were incredible! It landed in a heavily branched tree and we left the area. By far the closest I have ever been to this species, my lucky day! Images were taken on March 5, 2017.

Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Binomial name: Buteo lineatus
Category: Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies
Size: 17” long, 40” wing span
Weight: 1.4 lb
Cool facts: These hawks of the forests hunt prey from mice to frogs and snakes often near rivers and swamps. Considered a secretive bird for this area.

Red-shouldered Hawk
Just gorgeous, Jim! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome!!!! Nice pics even if it wasn’t many. Thanks for sharing your find, Jim.
wow!! amazing shots! thank you for sharing.
What a beauty Jim! Thank you.
How fortunate you and your son were to see the hawk!
Rule No. 1 – always keep your camera ready!
Great picture Jim.
Beautiful bird! Great shots and timing!