A small collection of some bird photos I captured in Marquette County the last few days leading up to May 10, 2023. Normal birds that can be expected for that area. The highlight was walking by an apple tree and seeing a Ruby-throated Hummingbird getting some nectar. 1st of the year on that species. Other birds that I had either seen or heard that I did not get photos of were Whip-poor-will, Great Crested Flycatcher, Bluebirds, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Hairy Woodpecker and Eastern Phoebe. Some clouds and some sun with mild temps in the 60’s-70’s.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird getting nectar at an apple tree…

Baltimore Oriole, male singing…

Yellow-rumped Warbler, male…

White-crowned Sparrow…

Brown Thrasher…

Downy Woodpecker, male…

Baltimore Oriole, male…

White-throated Sparrow…

Eastern Towhee, male…

Tree Swallow…

Downy Woodpecker, female…

Chipping Sparrow…

House Wren singing…

Red-headed Woodpecker…

White-crowned Sparrow…

Northern Cardinal, male…