My first birding stop of the morning gave great views of House Finches eating crab apples on a tree in Waukesha along the Fox River. I have seen them along the river often but not eating crab apples. I think the crab apples are softening up now and the birds can enjoy them. It was a gorgeous day with full sun, low winds and mild temps around 36 degrees early in the morning. Images were taken on December 14, 2023.

The male House Finch enjoying a crab apple…

The female House Finch enjoying a crab apple…

Piece by piece they take the crab apple and eat it…

The male House Finch enjoying a crab apple…

The male House Finch enjoying a crab apple…

The male House Finch enjoying a crab apple and perched pretty…

The male House Finch enjoying a crab apple…

The male House Finch nibbling away…

The male House Finch

The male House Finch…

The female House Finch with a bite to eat…