Making a stop today at Grant Park in Milwaukee County a Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon Junco made a brief appearance at the feeder there. The junco was present for about 30 seconds and then it left. I hung around for about 20 minutes and it did not reappear. The feeder was empty but there were birds around finding things to eat. I photographed a Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon Junco at the same location on December 15, 2016. This image was taken on February 8, 2017.

Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon Junco
December 15, 2016 image below

Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon Junco photographed on December 15, 2016
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon
Binomial name: Junco hyemalis
Category: Emberizids
Size: 6.25” long, 9.25” wing span
Weight: .67 oz