Ring-necked, Lesser Scaup, Redhead and Common Goldeneye at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on March 8, 2022

A birding stop at the Fox River in Waukesha early am produced nice views of Ring-necked, Lesser Scaup, Redhead and Common Goldeneye ducks. Also present was 1 American Coot and a lot of Mallards. The main river had a thin layer of ice so these ducks were closer to the dam area on the west side of the river. Most of the time all these ducks were sleeping, but on a few occasions they had their heads up. It was a beautiful morning with sunshine and mild temps around 28 degrees, some wind kept things cold. Images were taken on March 8, 2022.

Common Goldeneye, male stretching…

Lesser Scaup, male

Redhead, male

Redhead, female

Ring-necked Ducks, males

Lesser Scaup, 3 males…

Common Goldeneye, male

Common Goldeneye, male 1st winter…

American Coot

American Coot

Mallard, male

Mallard, female

Mallard, male

Ring-necked Duck at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on October 26, 2017

I stopped at the Fox River in Waukesha this morning to do a bird check. Going through group of about 8 Mallards on the other side of the river surprisingly hidden with them was a single male Ring-necked Duck.  The Mallards saw me, they thought I had bread, came across the river to me, but the Ring-necked Duck was skittish and stayed back. After a couple of minutes some walkers came by and the Ring-necked Duck flew north on the river and landed. That was the last I saw of it. Other birds present, just the everyday Ring-billed Gulls and those Mallards. No Hooded Merganser…:) Some sun but a mostly cloudy day at my stop at the river, still mild temps. Images were taken on October 26, 2017.

Ring-necked Duck, male in the golden leaf fall water surrounded by a couple of floating leaves…

Ring-necked Duck

Binomial name: Aythya collaris

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 17” long, 25” wing span

Weight: 1.5 lb.


Ring-necked Ducks on the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on March 19, 2015

I stopped at the Fox River in downtown Waukesha, Frame Park, mid morning to see if what was going on. About ~10 Ring-necked Ducks were present. They have been hanging around now for a few days there on the river. These ducks are pretty skittish and never come very close to shore, pedestrians keep them pretty much in the middle of the river. Every once in awhile they drift a little bit to one side or the river or the other diving for food. They dove for food while I was there, then seemed to want to nap. I ran into Dan W. down there and we did a little shooting together for the few minutes of light we had this morning. Other species present appeared to be some Lesser Scaups, ~4 American Coots and a couple of Common Goldeneye were  still hanging around. In the park area there were nice numbers of American Robins. A flock of European Starlings were also making themselves known. Images were taken on March 19, 2015.

Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck

Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck

Ring-necked Duck

Binomial name: Aythya collaris

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 17” long, 25” wing span

Weight: 1.5 lb.

Habitat:  Shallow freshwater or acidic wetlands such as fens, bogs, marshes, beaver ponds and swamps. They will use saltwater areas in the southern states.

Diet: The Ring-necked Duck gets its food diving shallow or near the surface.  Eats plants such as wild rice, wild celery, sedges, reed canary grass, arrowhead, water lilies, pondweed. The main diet for adult females when feeding duckings is earth worms, leeches, midges, clams and caddis flies which is also what the duckings are feed.

Nesting:  The nest is simply built by the female just before egg-laying time. Materials are grasses and stems taken from nearby the nest area, usually 2”-10” directly above the water to help protect from land predators. The size is 2”-4” deep and 9”-10” across with a ramp made to the water. The female lines the nest with her down feathers. Usually one egg per day is laid with a clutch size of 6-14 eggs.

Facts: Although called a Ring-necked Duck, it appears to have a ringed bill. The ring on the neck, how it gets its name is chestnut-colored and hard to see unless you are close up. Some Minnesota lakes are gathering places for hundreds of thousands of these ducks during fall migration to feed on wild rice.

Ring-necked Duck, female

Ring-necked Duck, female

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Ducks, males

Ring-necked Ducks, males

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck

Ring-necked Duck, male (3), Ring-necked Duck, female (1)

Ring-necked Duck, male (3), Ring-necked Duck, female (1)

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male


Ring-necked Ducks, 2 male, 1 female


Ring-necked Duck, male (4), Ring-necked Duck, female (1)


Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck






Ring-necked Ducks, males, one resting, one not


Just looking, Ring-necked Ducks, males


Ring-necked Duck, female


Look at those “Ring-necks”!


Just hanging out, Ring-necked Ducks, 2 males, 1 female




Ring-necked Duck

A Ring-necked Duck showed up at the Fox River in downtown Waukesha, WI today. It hung around with other species present that were Common Goldeneye Ducks (m-f), Red-breasted (m-f) and ~20 Common Mergansers (m-f), Redheads (m-f) Scaups (m-f ). A pair of Buffleheads were reported, but I could not locate them. There was no female Ring-necked Duck to be found. The pair of Mute Swan were still present and still getting big views by pedestrians, walkers and bikers on the river walk. The wind made for a very cold day. Photographs taken on March 20th, 2014.


Ring-necked Duck

Binomial name: Aythya collaris

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 17” long, 25” wing span

Weight: 1.5 lb.

Habitat:  Shallow freshwater or acidic wetlands such as fens, bogs, marshes, beaver ponds and swamps. They will use saltwater areas in the southern states.

Diet: The Ring-necked Duck gets its food diving shallow or near the surface.  Eats plants such as wild rice, wild celery, sedges, reed canary grass, arrowhead, water lilies, pondweed. The main diet for adult females when feeding duckings is earth worms, leeches, midges, clams and caddis flies which is also what the duckings are feed.

Nesting:  The nest is simply built by the female just before egg-laying time. Materials are grasses and stems taken from nearby the nest area, usually 2”-10” directly above the water to help protect from land predators. The size is 2”-4” deep and 9”-10” across with a ramp made to the water. The female lines the nest with her down feathers. Usually one egg per day is laid with a clutch size of 6-14 eggs.

Facts: Although called a Ring-necked Duck, it appears to have a ringed bill. The ring on the neck, how it gets its name is chestnut-colored and hard to see unless you are close up. Some Minnesota lakes are gathering places for hundreds of thousands of these ducks during fall migration to feed on wild rice.




Ring-necked Duck - M, Common Goldeneye - M in front

Ring-necked Duck – M, Common Goldeneye – M in front


Ring-necked Duck - M, Common Goldeneye - M in back

Ring-necked Duck – M, 3rd from right, Common Goldeneye – FM far left, 2 others Common Goldeneys – M


