Ruddy Duck on the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on November 22, 2019

An early stop at the Fox River in Waukesha provided nice views of a female Ruddy Duck. It has been hanging around for a couple of days just sleeping in the middle of the river. This morning it was moving around with some Mallards. Sorta drab duck, the males in spring are stunning with black and white on the head with a blue bill! It was a pleasant morning with mild temps, partly cloudy skies and low winds. Images were taken on November 22, 2019.

Ruddy Duck, female

Ruddy Duck, female

Ruddy Duck, female

Ruddy Duck, female, another shot…

Ruddy Ducks on the Fox River in Waukesha on April 18, 2018

My first stop of the day was in downtown Waukesha at the Fox River just north of the dam. Four Ruddy Ducks, 3 males and one female have been hanging around the last couple of days. They were moving around a lot and at times would be following the female around. They dove a little at times feeding.  A Common Loon was also present but remained in the middle of the river to the north. It stayed low in the water the time I was there as once in awhile Mallards and Ring-billed Gulls harassed it lightly. It did do a little feeding at times. A mostly cloudy day with a stiff wind from the northwest temps around 30 degrees, still felt like winter with 5″ of snow on the ground. Images were taken on April 18, 2018.

Ruddy Duck, the stunning male with it’s blue bill in breeding plumage…

Ruddy Duck

Binomial name: Oxyura jamaicensis

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 15” long, 18.5” wingspan

Weight: 1.2 Lb

Ruddy Duck, female

Ruddy Ducks, male front and female

Ruddy Ducks, the males chasing the female…

Tail up, sign of courtship display…

The mouth open…

Pair of males…

Coming in to shore following the female…

Full speed ahead following the female…