One of my birding stops today was Wehr Nature Center in Franklin for warblers. I have not been to the nature center since April 9 of this year. Yellow-rumped Warblers were the only warbler species present on that day and today was almost the same. Today it was mainly Yellow-rumped Warblers again with 2 Palm and 1 Yellow warbler. A few Ruby-crowned Kinglets were also seen. It was exciting to get my first Palm and Yellow warblers of the year! Some Swamp Sparrows were also present. I birded some of the Milwaukee lakefront before Wehr this morning and birds to note, 2 groups of Ruddy Ducks, one of 25 or more ducks and another smaller one. Also a group of 12 Northern Shovelers all near the Art Museum. A flyover Common Loon. It was a beautiful morning, but chilly near the lake early winds off the lake, I still needed a scarf! Once the sun came out around 11 AM things started to warm up. Images were taken on April 23, 2019.

Yellow Warbler, male

Yellow-rumped Warbler, male

Palm Warbler, male singing…

Palm Warbler, male

Yellow-rumped Warbler, female

Palm Warbler, male singing…

Palm Warbler, male singing…

Palm Warbler, male singing…

Yellow-rumped Warbler, male