Warnimont Park was the hot spot today if you ask me. Hooded, Black-throated Green, Chestnut-sided, Yellow, Nashville, Black and White, Tennessee, Palm, Yellow-rumped, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula, and Orange-crowned were some. It was a cloudy day with a good breeze, cold. Images were taken on April 26, 2022.

Hooded Warbler, male

Yellow-rumped Warbler, male

Black and White Warbler, male

Black-throated Green Warbler, male

Nashville Warbler, male

Tennessee Warbler, male

Palm Warbler, male

Yellow-rumped Warbler, male

Yellow Warbler, male

Chestnut-sided Warbler, male

Hooded Warbler, male

Hooded Warbler, male
Fantastic shots wow…these are so wonderful!!
I never know which warnimont park….the one by the dog park or the one by the gold course.
What beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing them.
So many beautiful and interesting birds in the last week.
Very nice!
Tis once again time. Good to know they made it back to our area. Great finds and images as always. Still using the 7D and the 400mm?
Fantastic !