Warblers and more at Lake Park Milwaukee Wisconsin, May 10, 2014

I spent a few hours at Lake Park in Milwaukee this morning into mid-afternoon. I saw some nice warbler action but nothing like a couple of days ago. Warbler species and numbers were down, but still a great day to be out birding. Some of the warblers that I had looks at were Black-throated Green, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Palm, Nashville, Blackburnian, Cape May and possible Tennessee. Birds seemed higher up today in the trees. The nice sunny day with warm temps brought out a lot of birders there at the park.

Black-throated Green Warbler - Male

Black-throated Green Warbler – Male

Black-throated Green Warbler - Male Preening

Black-throated Green Warbler – Male Preening

Black-throated Green Warbler - Male Preening

Black-throated Green Warbler – Male Preening

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler – Male

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler – Male

Black-throated Green Warbler - Male eating well.

Black-throated Green Warbler – Male eating well.

American Redstart

American Redstart – Male

Common Yellowthroat - Female

Common Yellowthroat – Female

Common Yellowthroat - Female

Common Yellowthroat – Female

Common Yellowthroat - Female with insect.

Common Yellowthroat – Female with insect.

Common Yellowthroat - Female with insect.

Common Yellowthroat – Female with insect.

Palm Warbler

Palm Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler ??

Tennessee Warbler ??

Cape May Warbler

Cape May Warbler



Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

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About admin

Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

2 Responses to Warblers and more at Lake Park Milwaukee Wisconsin, May 10, 2014

  1. Patti says:

    Wonderful pics! Were you wearing camo clothing? If so, thanks for your tips- I was there around 330.

  2. Nancy Nabak says:

    Once again, totally brill! This series rocks! I love seeing the insect catches and take offs! Thanks for sharing.

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