I have put together a collection of some of the Wisconsin birding moments from the year 2017. The collection includes vagrants, special visitors, or just the beautiful birds that nest here or migrate through the state of Wisconsin. All images were taken in 2017. It was a very exciting year with the birds and also birding with some old birding friends and meeting some new ones, too. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. When putting this post together, once again, it amazes me what birds were seen this year here in Wisconsin!

Eastern Screech Owl, red morph in Milwaukee County January 3, 2017

Long-eared Owl in Wisconsin on January 6, 2017

Red-breasted Merganser, male at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County January 6, 2017

Red-breasted Merganser, female at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County on January 6, 2017

Sandhill Crane in Waukesha County on January 17, 2017

Hooded Merganser in Waukesha County on January 22, 2017

Hooded Merganser, this male was always keeping male Mallards away from his companion friend, a female Mallard on the Fox River in Waukesha County on January 22, 2017

Best friends! The Hooded Merganser follows the female Mallard all day, everyday, even leaving the area for a few days, they would return and the Hooded Merganser was still at her side. At the Fox River in Waukesha County on January 22, 2017

Hooded Merganser, male on the grass near the Fox River in Waukesha County on January 22, 2017

Harlequin Duck, male at Lakeshore State Park on January 24, 2017

Ross’s Goose was found feeding along with some Canada Geese in Bay View in Milwaukee County on January 29, 2017

Glaucous Gull, 1st cycle at Johnson Creek in Jefferson County Wisconsin on February 3, 2017

Glaucous Gull, adult at Johnson Creek in Jefferson County Wisconsin on February 3, 2017

Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon Junco at Grant Park in Milwaukee County on February 8, 2017

Slaty-backed Gull, this rare gull was found at Northridge Lakes in Milwaukee County on February 3, 2017

Sandhill Crane in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on February 19, 2017

Killdeer, some open water in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on February 22, 2017

Sandhill Cranes painting themselves to blend in, in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on February 22, 2017

Sandhill Crane painting itself with mud to blend in, in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on February 22, 2017

Sandhill Crane painting itself with mud to blend in, in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on February 22, 2017

Barred Owl in Milwaukee County on February 23, 2017

Downy Woodpecker working hard in Milwaukee County on February 23, 2017

Sandhill Cranes in the snow in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on February 27, 2017

Sandhill Cranes in the snow getting something to eat in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on February 27, 2017

Greater White-fronted Goose was found feeding along with some Canada Geese at Veterans Park in Milwaukee County on February 27, 2017

Red-shouldered Hawk found perched in a tree driving the back roads in Marquette County on March 5, 2017

White-winged Scoter, female with a mussel in the mouth at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County on March 10, 2017

Killdeer with some open water in Milwaukee County on March 10, 2017

The Barred Owl in the falling snow, blends right in, in Milwaukee County on March 13, 2017

Long-eard Owl in the snow, in Wisconsin on March 13, 2017

Long-eard Owl in the snow, in Wisconsin on March 13, 2017

Common Goldeneye on both sides with the rare, Barrow’s Goldeneye in the middle in Sheboygan on March 15, 2017

Horned Grebe at Grant Park in Milwaukee County March 21, 2017

Horned Grebe, the close up at Grant Park in Milwaukee County March 21, 2017

American Robin, leucistic, found in the city of Waukesha on March 22, 2017

American Robin, leucistic, a different bird than above found near Frame Park in the city of Waukesha on March 25, 2017

Brant, a distant shot of this rare visitor to the state at Goose Pond in Dane County on March 31, 2017

Canvasback, this bird hung around for less than a day and slept most of the time it was here. Must have had a long flight and was just totally tuckered out, at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on April 6, 2017

White-throated Sparrow at Lake Park in Milwaukee on April 10, 2017

White-throated Sparrow, the close up at Lake Park in Milwaukee on April 10, 2017

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Lake Park in Milwaukee on April 10, 2017

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, the close up at Lake Park in Milwaukee on April 10, 2017

Getting that running sap…Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Lake Park in Milwaukee on April 10, 2017

Eastern Towhee found feeding on the ground at Lake Park in Milwaukee on April 13, 2017

Hermit Thrush eating sumac seeds at Lake Park in Milwaukee on April 13, 2017

Black-crowed Night-Heron at Veterans Park in Milwaukee on April 14, 2017

In flight, Black-crowed Night-Heron at Veterans Park in Milwaukee on April 14, 2017

Ruddy Duck, male at the Milwaukee lakefront on April 17, 2017

Blue-winged Teal stretching at Horicon Marsh on April 18, 2017

Pied-billed Grebe posing at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on April 19, 2017

Great Egret with morning snack at Horicon Marsh in Dodge County on April 19, 2017

American Bittern in Oak Creek in Milwaukee County on April 20, 2017

American Bittern in Oak Creek in Milwaukee County on April 20, 2017

Brown Thrasher with something to eat at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on April 21, 2017

American Robin eating the sumac seeds at Lake Park in Milwaukee on May 21, 2017

Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Lake Park on May 22, 2017

American Avocet at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on April 29, 2017

American Avocets in flight at Lakeshore State Park, female in front with more upturned bill in Milwaukee on April 29, 2017

American Avocet, mouth stretching, at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on April 29, 2017

Marbled Godwits (2) in the front with Willets in the back at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on April 30, 2017

Black-bellied Plover at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on April 30, 2017

Marbled Godwit at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on April 30, 2017

Willets coming in for a landing along with a Marbled Godwit with American Avocets wading in the back at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on April 30, 2017

Bonaparte’s Gull at Grant Park in Milwaukee County on May 1, 2017

Bonaparte’s Gulls, by the 1,000’s in migration at Grant Park in Milwaukee County. It was an amazing sight to see on May 1, 2017

Bonaparte’s Gulls, by the 1,000’s in migration at Grant Park in Milwaukee County. Here some are resting far out on the water on May 1, 2017

Le Conte’s Sparrow at the “Magic Hedge” on Milwaukee’s lakefront in Milwaukee County on May 2, 2017

Le Conte’s Sparrow, with a seed in the bill at the “Magic Hedge” on Milwaukee’s lakefront in Milwaukee County on May 2, 2017

Piping Plover finding things to eat at Bradford Beach on the Milwaukee lakefront on May 2, 2017

Piping Plover found feeding at Bradford Beach along Milwaukee lakefront on May 2, 2017

Grasshopper Sparrow at the “Magic Hedge” along Milwaukee’s lakefront on May 3, 2017

Sanderling at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 3, 2017

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at Lake Park in Milwaukee County on May 5, 2017

Calling, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at Lake Park in Milwaukee County on May 5, 2017

Wild Turkey sneaking through the ground cover feeding at Lake Park in Milwaukee on May 5, 2017

Glossy Ibis in flight…at Horicon Marsh in Dodge County on May 7, 2017

Prothonotary Warbler in Milwaukee County on May 11, 2017

Prothonotary Warbler in Milwaukee County on May 11, 2017

Chestnut-sided Warbler in Milwaukee County on May 11, 2017

Black-and-white Warbler in Milwaukee County on May 11, 2017

Magnolia Warbler in Milwaukee County on May 11, 2017

Palm Warbler Warbler in Milwaukee County on May 11, 2017

Gray Catbird at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee County on May 12, 2017

Ovenbird at Lake Park in Milwaukee County on May 17, 2017

Eastern Kingbird eating sumac berries at Lake Park in Milwaukee County on May 16, 2017

Eastern Kingbird perched pretty at Lake Park in Milwaukee County on May 16, 2017

Baltimore Oriole calling at Lake Park in Milwaukee County on May 16, 2017

Greater White-fronted Goose at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 19, 2017

Blackpoll Warbler, male in Milwaukee County on May 22, 2017

Wilson’s Warbler, male in Milwaukee County on May 22, 2017

Mourning Warbler, male in Milwaukee County on May 22, 2017

Canada Warbler, male in Milwaukee County on May 22, 2017

Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Milwaukee County on May 22, 2017

Ruddy Turnstone finding things along the rocks to eat at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 23, 2017

Ruddy Tunrstone, the close up with something to eat at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 23, 2017…

Dunlin at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 23, 2017

Dunlin, the close up at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 23, 2017

Piping Plover at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 23, 2017

Sanderlings at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 23, 2017

Sanderling at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on May 23, 2017

Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee County on May 27, 2017

Black-billed Cuckoo at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee County on May 27, 2017

Trumpeter Swans with cygnets at Horicon Marsh in Dodge County on June 6, 2017

Trumpeter Swans cygnets at Horicon Marsh in Dodge County on June 6, 2017

American White Pelicans, 100’s at North Point in Sheboygan on June 12, 2017

American White Pelican circling around to land at North Point in Sheboygan on June 12, 2017

American White Pelicans coming in for a landing at North Point in Sheboygan on June 12, 2017

American White Pelican, the landing at North Point in Sheboygan on June 12, 2017

Dickcissel, male at the “Rock” in Franklin, in Milwaukee County on June 15, 2017

Dickcissel, male perched pretty at the “Rock” in Franklin, in Milwaukee County on June 15, 2017

Bobolink, male at Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha County on June 19, 2017

Bobolink, female at Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha County on June 19, 2017

Savannah Sparrow stretching and calling at the Milwaukee County Grounds on June 20, 2017

Savannah Sparrow perched pretty at the Milwaukee County Grounds on June 20, 2017

Great Blue Heron gets its catch, a crayfish at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on July 2, 2017

Green Heron, the catch, a nice fish at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on July 11, 2017

Green Heron, with a catch at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on July 11, 2017

Wood Duck, juvenile female at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on July 31, 2017

Ruby-throated Hummingbird at the Royal Catchfly in Waukesha County on August 8, 2017

Ruby-throated Hummingbird getting nectar on the Royal Catchfly in Waukesha County on August 8, 2017

Black-crowned Night Heron, juvenile at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on August 8, 2017

Green Heron, juvenile at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on August 5, 2017

Least Sandpiper at Lakeshore State Park on August 23, 2017

Semipalmated Plover at Lakeshore State Park on August 23, 2017

Semipalmated Plover, the close up at Lakeshore State Park on August 23, 2017

Semipalmated Sandpiper at Lakeshore State Park on August 23, 2017

Green Heron, juvenile, the close up at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on August 25, 2017

Double-crested Cormorant at Lakeshore State Park on August 30, 2017

Opening of the pen for the young Whooping Cranes training begins at White River Marsh SWA in Berlin Wisconsin on August 31, 2017

The young whoopers training at White River Marsh SWA in Berlin Wisconsin on August 31, 2017

Taking off, the young whoopers at White River Marsh SWA in Berlin Wisconsin on August 31, 2017

Up, up, and away the young whoopers in training at White River Marsh SWA in Berlin Wisconsin on August 31, 2017…

Ruddy Turnstone, the adult in nonbreeding plumage at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on September 3, 2017

Ruddy Turnstone, the close up, the adult in nonbreeding plumage at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on September 3, 2017

Black-crowned Night Heron, immature at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on September 9, 2017

Black-crowned Night Heron, immature with something to eat at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on September 9, 2017

Great Blue Heron, crossing the channel and going down at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on September 4, 2017

Green Heron stretching at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on September 9, 2017

Sanderling chasing off another Sanderling in the area McKinley Beach on September 9, 2017

Black-bellied Plover, taking small steps at Lakeshore State Park on September 15, 2017

Black-bellied Plover, the close up with something to eat at Lakeshore State Park on September 15, 2017

Black-bellied Plover, coming in for a landing at Lakeshore State Park on September 15, 2017

Great Blue Heron with a double catch at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on September 22, 2017

Great Blue Heron with a quick catch at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County on September 22, 2017

Killdeer on its way south in migration stopping at the Milwaukee lakefront on October 3, 2017

Sanderling trying to avoid the waves at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on October 6, 2017

Sanderling stopping for a moment at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on October 6, 2017

Franklin’s Gull at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on October 8, 2017

Lapland Longspur in a short grass area on the Milwaukee lakefront on October 10, 2017

Lapland Longspur finding weed seeds on the Milwaukee lakefront on October 10, 2017

Lesser Yellowlegs in front with Greater Yellowlegs behind at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County on October 15, 2017

House Finch, male with an apple piece on the Milwaukee lakefront on October 17, 2017

Horned Lark at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on October 18, 2017

Horned Lark, the close up at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County on October 18, 2017

Lesser Yellowlegs, wadding at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County on October 23, 2017

Ring-necked Duck in the golden water at the Fox River in Waukesha on October 26, 2017

Eastern Meadowlark on the Milwaukee lakefront on October 28, 2017

Short-eared Owl over Lake Michigan at Lakeshore State Park on October 28, 2017

Short-eared Owl at Lakeshore State Park on October 28, 2017

Golden-crowned Kinglet with fall colors at Lake Park Milwaukee County on October 30, 2017

Cedar Waxwing eating berries near the Fox River in Waukesha County on November 1, 2017

Snowy Owl with the American Coot for something to eat at the Milwaukee lakefront in Milwaukee County on November 6, 2017

Long-tailed Ducks at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County on November 6, 2017

Blue Jay, one of our feather friends in Marquette County on November 9, 2017

Red-breasted Nuthatch, one of our feather friends in Marquette County on November 9, 2017

Blue Jay, one of our feather friends in Marquette County on November 9, 2017

Black-capped Chickadee, one of our feather friends in Marquette County on November 9, 2017

Dark-eyed Junco, one of our feather friends in Marquette County on November 9, 2017

Snowy Owl found sitting in the planter box on the Milwaukee lakefront on November 14, 2017

Red-tailed Hawk in Milwaukee County enjoying a vole the breakfast on November 17, 2017…

Snowy Owl at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on November 28, 2017

Snowy Owl at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on November 28, 2017

Snowy Owl at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee on November 28, 2017

Purple Sandpiper, I saw this bird fly from point to point, just over the top of the water from Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County. I knew it had to be a rare Purple Sandpiper. I followed it down the shoreline for awhile as it fed. No one else saw this bird as it flew southward. To my knowledge, the only Purple Sandpiper seen in the state of Wisconsin in 2017.

Purple Sandpiper, the close up at Lakeshore State Park on November 28, 2017

Purple Sandpiper, just sitting pretty at Lakeshore State Park on November 28, 2017

Snow Bunting at the Milwaukee lakefront on December 3, 2017

Snowy Owl snoozing with the moon on the Milwaukee lakefront on December 8, 2017

Snowy Owl, resting on the Milwaukee Lakefront on December 9, 2017

Snowy Owl, focused on something, on the Milwaukee Lakefront on December 9, 2017

Long-tailed Ducks, 12 of them at Lakeshore State Park on December 15, 2017

Long-tailed Ducks at Lakeshore State Park on December 15, 2017

Long-tailed Ducks, the close up at Lakeshore State Park on December 15, 2017

Snowy Owl just after landing at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee County on December 15, 2017

Snowy Owl, just off its perch going for its prey on the Milwaukee lakefront on December 26, 2017

Snowy Owl, it was just smooth sailing for this Snowy Owl going for its prey on the Milwaukee lakefront on December 26, 2017
Thank you for visiting!
The End – Happy New Year!
Link to Wisconsin Birding 2016 Year in Review:
Link to Wisconsin Birding 2015 Year in Review:
Link to Wisconsin Birding 2014 Year in Review:
Hi Jim Really enjoyed your 2017 Birds in Review and like how you organized it Jan-Dec. You had a great year, especially the photos of the Purple Sandpiper. Did you put this album together throughout the year or just in the last couple of days.
Thanks for your great photos.
Hope to see you around again when it warms up a bit.
Have a Great New Year with your Bird Photography
Thank you for sharing, Jim!!! I can’t wait to see what you find in 2018. Happy New Year and safe travels as you document and share your art with us lucky friends. Best wishes, Mary
Thanks ,Jim. Great as usual. I’ve enjoyed each years photo tour.
Gary and I really enjoyed seeing these wonderful photos you’ve taken, Jim. Hope that 2018 will bring you some surprises and perhaps rare finds! Thanks for sharing these. Gary and Ruth
Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. They’re amazing.
With gratitude for your time and talent in finding, beautifully capturing, and then sharing your art and passion for birding … I wish you continued success and great finds in 2018. Awesome effort richly rewarded in your photographs!
What a beautiful way to end 2017. Thanks so much, and Happy New Year!
Thanks ! Reminder that spring and birds will come. Great photos.
Extraordinary collection of Wisconsin’s bird life. Just what I needed on a cold, barren last day of 2017 to warm me up for 2018. You certainly had a great year for both viewing and your superb photography. This collection leaves me in anticipation for the future and I hope 2018 is as rewarding for you, Jim, as this year was! Thanks for sharing with us throughout the year.
Fabulous collection! Thanks for your efforts and willingness to share!
Jim, Fantastic images, thank you for sharing!! I especially love all of the owls, but every photo is special. Thanks!!
Thank you for the beautiful photos and for the share, really great way to begin 2018!
Wonderful series of photos Jim…Well done!!
Jim, Jim, Jim! Your photos continue to blow me away! Impossible to pick a favorite, but the sanderling running from the waves catches me in striking mood. I LOVE your talents and can’t thank you enough for sharing them with us.Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what you show us in 2018!
Totally Awesome collection of Birding photos’ 2017 Jim. You have the knack of being in the right place @ the right time & then the ability to capturem them in a serene memory for us all! Thanx for all your efforts in promoting the beauty of Birds of a feather,,, 🙂
What a wonderful, vicarious trip you have shared! Thanks so much for your talent, time, and love of these precious creatures. So grateful to see each and every photo!
Sharing your passions is a gift for which I cannot find adequate words. I follow you throughout the year and revel in your world class photos. I learn from you every year, and, as I age, your photos provide many remedial lessons. Jim, thank you, thank you.
I have just now seen your 2017 Bird in Review. and have loved seeing all of your pictures. There are so many that I’ve not seen here in southcentral WI, so I really enjoyed you identifying them. In particular, your photo of a Juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron was of particular interest. I just returned from FL, where I have a photo of what I think, is the same species. I could not identify it, as it was a juvenile – very different from the adult. Thanks so much.