I birded some of the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning and for the most part, very quiet. One Caspian Tern at McKinley Marina and 500 + Bonaparte’s Gulls at Grant Park were the highlights that I could find along the lake. The lakefront was very cold with a stiff north wind, a few times the sun felt great. Stopped at Whitnall and just a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Yellow-rumped Warblers were present, along with typical birds we see and birds that have been reported recently. I crossed paths with Bruce and we headed up to Greenfield Park for a last stop. There was a Great Blue Heron, a 1st year, a bird born last summer, putting on a great show, catching fish, preening and do what Great Blue Herons do. It was nice to wind down the morning with a little excitement with the heron. Images were taken on April 23, 2016.

The catch, with a Bullhead
Great Blue Heron
Binomial name: Ardea herodias
Category: Bitterns, Herons, and Allies
Size: 46” long, 72” wing span
Weight: 5.3 lb

Fish in neck

Fish still in neck

Fish going down with a look

Preening, grooming and caring for the feathers





Great Blue Heron with a Flathead Minnow


Double catch! Great Blue Heron with Flathead Minnows

Great Blue Heron with a Flathead Minnow


Great Blue Heron with a Flathead Minnow

Great Blue Heron with a Flathead Minnow

Great Blue Heron with a Flathead Minnow

Great Blue Heron with a Flathead Minnow

The amazing feathers!

Great Blue Heron with a Bullhead
Great Photos of the Great Blue Heron. Really enjoyed the album
The photo with its head feathers up is my favorite. What a look!
Wonderful album Jim. Happy Spring!
Quite entertaining. Thanks Jim
Great captures, Jim. Thanks for sharing.
Great photos! Thanks for sharing.