American Avocet and Goose photographed at Horicon Marsh in Fond du Lac/Dodge County, Wisconsin on October 8, 2013.
Canada Goose and domestic Graylag Goose
American Avocet and Goose photographed at Horicon Marsh in Fond du Lac/Dodge County, Wisconsin on October 8, 2013.
Canada Goose and domestic Graylag Goose
I don’s believe he will be their when I get back from NY.on the 15th. Love your captures of the Avocet and the Goose..
I think that the geese are leucistic Canadas?
I don’t think a leucistic Canada would have orange legs. Also, friends and I saw at least three of these oddly marked birds ealier this summer at Horicon. Leucistic birds are not that common. They are more likely hybrid siblings.