Merlins in Sawyer County Wisconsin on July 2, 2016

I found a nesting pair of Merlins last week while up in Sawyer County. These birds remained at tree tops when I saw them waiting for prey. I can see why they call this bird a small powerful falcon as it must hear or see prey off in a distant and then they take off like a bullet from the tree tops, they are out of sight in a couple of seconds. Amazing to see this bird in action, but it was very difficult to photograph it with tall pine trees in the area. I saw it fly to the nest on numerous occasions with prey and in the nest too, likely feeding young. Amazing birds! Images were taken the last week in June 2016.

These images are not very sharp but I wanted to share this amazing bird.



Binomial name: Falco columbarius

Category: Caracaras and Falcons

Size: 10” long, 24” wing span

Weight: 6.5 oz


Just before takeoff






Typically perched on a tall pine tree close to the nest tree

The nest up very high

The nest up very high





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About admin

Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

5 Responses to Merlins in Sawyer County Wisconsin on July 2, 2016

  1. Dory Owen says:

    Remarkable shots as always, Jim. Helpful for identification since I don’t see Merlin often.

  2. Annie says:

    They were awesome pics Jim. I can’t recall ever seeing one so your pictures are very helpful indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Joan Schrinner says:

    Wonderful photos, Jim. We have a cabin near Hayward but I have never seen a merlin there.

  4. Tami Anderson says:

    Awesome and fantastic photos!! I only recently found your site and am SO HAPPY that I did. I look forward to seeing many more beautiful shots. I have never seen a Merlin before.

  5. Peggy Lison says:

    Hey Jim, Love the motion on the wing!! You’ve got the magic touch with your camera and brain! Great pics-thanks so much from Peggy in Madison

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