Out birding today at a park in Milwaukee County I came across a stunning Red Fox. It gave nice views in the relax mode before it left the area. A very slow day birding with just common birds being seen. Images were taken on March 4, 2016.

Eating grass!
Red Fox
Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes
Type: Mammal
Habitat: Forests, grasslands, mountains, savanna, agricultural lands and deserts. Red Foxes can also adapt to farms, suburban areas and sometimes cities.
Average life span in the wild: 2 to 4 years
Size: Head and body, 18-33.75 inches
Weight: 6.5 to 24 lbs
Diet: Fruit, vegetables, fish, frogs, rabbits, birds and rodents in the wild. If living in a human environment they may include in the diet garbage and pet food.
Range: Northern hemisphere from the arctic circle to Central American. They can also be found in Northern Africa and central Asia.

The big yawn!


The big yawn!

The big yawn!

Taking a break!

The stretch!
Great shots, Jim. A couple of years ago we had a family(7 pups) of fox living at the end of our backyard. Worried about our cats, but nothing happened. It was lots of fun watching them playing. A great animal.
Wow how did you ever get such great pictures .l just love looking at these l love foxes see them daily
I just can’t get a picture they move so fast . I am so glad I got a chance to see these thank you for sharing.