Sparrow ID Quiz ~ test yourself on these beautiful birds that can be found sometime during the year here in Wisconsin! With the other bird ID Quizzes going over well, and many requests for a Sparrow ID quiz, I have put one together. All images were taken by me and photographed here in Wisconsin. Answers are below last photo at the bottom of the page. There is a chance you may see some color variation in sparrows considering sex, age or time of year. There are books, FB groups, phone apps, classes to learn more. There are also presentations to help in learning bird ID, look for details at your local nature center. Special Note: I have complied a list of 18 species, there are 20 images, as I have an image of both the male and female House Sparrow. This quiz may not be as easy as the other quizzes! See how well you do, have fun too!




















#1 – White-crowned Sparrow
#2 – Fox Sparrow
#3 – Savannah Sparrow
#4 – Field Sparrow
#5 – American Tree Sparrow
#6 – House Sparrow – Male
#7 – Song Sparrow
#8 – Henslow’s Sparrow – Retzer Nature Center
#9 – Lincoln’s Sparrow
#10 – Chipping Sparrow
#11 – Le Conte’s Sparrow – Magic Hedge
#12 – Lark Sparrow – Lake Park
#13 – Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow – Magic Hedge
#14 – White-throated Sparrow
#15 – Harris’s Sparrow – Retzer Nature Center
#16 – Vesper Sparrow – Marquette County
#17 – Clay-colored Sparrow
#18 – House Sparrow – Female
#19 – Grasshopper Sparrow – Magic Hedge
#20 – Swamp Sparrow
Once again, thanks for the refresher!
Thank-you Jim for taking the time to set up these bird quizzes. As I enjoy your beautiful photography, and learn while viewing as well.
Once again, you’ve created a great learning tool.
I saw a fox sparrow at Wehr yesterday – a treat.
Thanks Jim, that was fun!
Another fine quiz, Jim. It must take a lot of patience to get such beautiful close-up shots. More often than not, when I get anywhere near a sparrow, it scurries off into a bush. It may seem odd that I use a scope to look at sparrows, but I get the best looks when they aren’t frightened into leaving!
Thanks again for sharing your excellent work and knowledge.
Thanks so much, Jim! I always enjoy your beautiful photos and I’m really enjoying the quizzes!
Really enjoyed all the pictures and quizzes. Need to brush up on my ID repertoire. And my warbler calls. Thanks for putting it all together.
A bit rusty on my sparrows it seems ;)) Thanks Jim
Thanks Jim. This is my weakest group of birds to visually id. Your pictures are a great help.
I am still in FL, Jim, but I love all your posts. Thanks for this wonderful quiz.
Thanks for sharing your exquisite photos, Jim- and in such an excellent, educational format!
Awesome photos, Jim!
Thanks for the quiz, it’s a great way to refresh my sparrow ID skills.
Hope to run into you soon.
Thanks for the great photos, Jim. I printed out the answers and am using that to work on IDs. These large photos are better than in any book!
Thanks for this! Very helpful and fun.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos in quiz format. Very helpful!
Super flicks as usual.
Thank you! Very helpful.
Thanks so very much!!!
Wow that was fun….there were a few that i have never seen before… i’m excited to try and find them. Thanks for the fun!!
Thank you for your wonderful images.
I am wondering where the magic hedge is?
Thanks so very much, you’re a great teacher!! Number 16 is special Vesper .
Outstanding photos, Jim! I truly enjoy seeing all of your photos. Thank you!