American Robin enjoying the sunshine in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on January 10, 2019

While out birding I came across a flock of American Robins in Milwaukee County enjoying the sunshine and finding things to eat. It was cold morning with temps in the teens and a stiff winds out of the west, and partly cloudy. Image was taken on January 10, 2019

American Robin standing next to a tree out of the wind…

American Robin gets the worm at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on March 12, 2018

Doing a little birding at Greenfield Park around noon I came across an American Robin working on a worm. It pulled it out of the ground just before I arrived but then I watch it stab the worm numerous times killing it. The story ends as it ate the worm whole. A cool spring like day with plenty of sunshine with temps in the lower 30’s. Images were taken on March 12, 2018.

Tossing the worm around checking if it was still alive

Looks like another stab to the worm…

Looking the worm over….

Getting the worm straightened for eating….

Getting a grip on the worm…

The start of eating the worm. Bumps in the worm are the places the bird stabbed the worm killing it…

Going down pretty good it looks like…

And down the worm goes…

American Robins at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on February 22, 2018

My first birding stop of the year at Greenfield Park provided nice views of a flock of about 20 American Robins. They were spread out in a short grass area eating fallen berries. I would assume these are migrants and the first of the year for me of birds moving northward. Other than that a pretty quiet day birding for Milwaukee County at places I stopped at. Images were taken on February 22, 2018.

American Robin getting a grip on the berry before eating…

Getting the berry off the ground…

Berry going down…

Berry in the bill…

Looking for the next berry…

The berry before eating…


More food…

Just looking around…