Up to 4 Pine Warblers have been visiting and feeding here in the yard. They have been viewed for about the last 3 weeks on and off daily. I think they might nesting close?? The bird(s) feed for 5 -10 minutes then leave. On occasion they will take a grub from the lawn and fly away with it, to a possible nest?? It has been fun to watch and I will soon see if I can get more details on this event trying to watch where these birds are going. Images were taken through the glass from inside the house. These images were taken on May 5, 2019.

Pine Warbler looking for things to eat in the yard…

In search of food…

The Pine Warbler gets a caterpillar…

Gets a better grip on it…

Flips it…

Getting ready to eat it…

In it goes…

More searching for things to eat…

Hoping around as it must hear things moving around at ground level…

Coming for something…

Going for something…

Gets what looks like an ant…