Birding along the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning the prize birds were the 2 stunning American Avocets. A male and a female were present at the beach area. I was near the park when the report came in that they were there. The birds appeared to be skittish when I arrived with dog walkers and joggers but gave some nice views anyways. They mostly rested while I was present. Been waiting for these to show up and thought we had missed them as they have been reported all over in the last couple of weeks. I did not hang around too long with the cold winds off the lake made it feel like winter. Thanks to John M for finding this bird and Mike W for helping get the word out. Light sun started they morning but gave way to clouds with temps at a cold 41 degrees with winds to 15 mph. I saw continued reports that the birds were still being seen at 1:30 pm. Images were taken on April 29, 2017.
American Avocet
Binomial name: Recurvirostra americana
Category: Stilts and Avocets
Size: 18” long, 31” wing span
Weight: 11 oz
Note: From what birders say, these birds are called one-day-wonders as they usually only hang around for one day when seen in migration.
Note: Both sexes are here. You can distinguish the sex of the American Avocet by the curve on the bill. Greater the curve of these two birds is the female.




Swimming offshore

Something to eat…

Looking for something to eat

Some preening

Open wide…

When I arrived, female on right, male on left. Notice bill curve is greater on right bird making it a female.

One side of the beach to the other with some walkers coming around…

Coming in for a landing…female bird in front

Female, greater curve on bill



More preening

Close up..

Still shot…

One feeding

Keeping a watch…
Gorgeous birds. Great job, Jim, and thanks for posting.
Beautiful shots of my favorite shorebird. Thanks, Jim!
Awesome Jim. Love to see all your photos…..a very beautiful bird. Thanks a million.
Stunning album Jim. Thank you.