Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin has been giving nice views of Greater and Lesser Scaups and Common Goldeneyes. Numbers are not high there in the park but a few to enjoy. The open water on the big lake has 1,000’s of these species right now along with and some Bufflehead, Common and Red-breasted Mergansers. The Snowy Owl over at the Lake Express Ferry was near its hangout, the culvert pipe coming out of the ground. It was inside it this morning, later in the morning it appeared to be outside of it next to it. It seemed like there were many spectators there waiting for close up views when I checked a few times this morning. Images were taken on December 7, 2014.
Common Goldeneye and Greater and Lesser Scaup Ducks at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin December 7, 2014
Tagged common goldeneye, greater scaup. Bookmark the permalink.
Great series Jim love the sharpness of your captures. Where is Lakeshore State Park?
Open, fluid water as December grows darker – and beautiful ducks who meet the elements face-on with apparent contentment. You’ve captured it all, Jim.
Great, clear pics Jim. Thanks for always sharing your finds. If only they were pictured in spring waters instead of the on coming winter! Time will come to spring again.