A quick stop this morning on Milwaukee’s lakefront to see if the Piping Plovers were present proved worth it. The Piping Plovers were present and gave nice views for the few minutes I was there. They were at the location where they were found yesterday. The 2 of them moved around on the beach picking up insects, etc to eat. While I was there a gust of wind came up and the birds just toughed it out facing the strong wind with sand in their faces! Exciting birds on a overcast, windy, and cold day! Images were taken on May 2, 2017.

Getting the insect…

With an insect…

Getting the insect…

Then there were two..

Toughing it out in the blowing sand!

With an insect…

With an insect in the blowing sand…
fantastic Jim!!!!
Perfect pics, Jim. Even leg banded! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome! They are so cute. were you able to read the bands and report back to USF&W? Great Lakes Plovers?