While I was at Wehr Nature Center this morning checking out warblers I heard there was a reported Connecticut Warbler, male at Lake Park in Milwaukee. I made the run over to Lake Park and the warbler was found in the Locust Ravine. The bird was eating gnats from what I could see the whole time I was there moving up and down the slopes giving nice views. The warbler went to the bottom of the ravine twice while I was there continually finding things to eat. This ravine is on the north end of the park. I took some photos as you just don’t see this species often. What a beautiful bird!! It was a sunny day with some wind, cool along the lake at 61 while inland it was 91. Images were taken on May 13, 2022.

The Connecticut Warbler, male

At the ravine bottom looking for things to eat…

Going for a gnat on a blade of grass…

Near a puddle…

Gnat in the bill…

Just a pretty setting the Connecticut was in…

Nice pose with a gnat in the bill…

Always looking for things to eat…

Walking around the bottom of the ravine looking for things to eat…

On the move looking…

Looking up at the gnat and it did get it…