Long-tailed Duck at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on December 3, 2018

While out birding some of the Milwaukee lakefront today, the highlight was a female adult Long-tailed Duck. The duck continually dove for food the whole time I was present which was about 15-20 minutes. No other ducks were in the area of this one. Always in search this time of year for a Snowy Owl, I came up empty. A couple hundred Greater Scaup were present in the lagoon near Summerfest along with a couple Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Goldeneye and one lone female Bufflehead. It was a chilly morning with cloudy skies, stiff winds out of the north, temps were around 31 degrees. Images were taken on December 3, 2018.

Long-tailed Duck, female in winter plumage…

In coming…

Thinking about the next dive under…

Going down…

Halfway in…

Short tail feathers…

Paddling in…

Beauty of the back…

Looking around…

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About admin

Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

3 Responses to Long-tailed Duck at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on December 3, 2018

  1. Chuck Petters says:

    Wonderful photos Jim. One duck that I still need to add to my life list.

  2. Nan Wisherd says:

    Thanks for sharing, Jim. I found myself fascinated by the drops of water, of all things.


    Nice shots Jim.

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