I have put together a collection of Wisconsin birding moments from the year 2014. Collection includes vagrants, special visitors or just the beautiful birds that nest here or migrate through the state of Wisconsin. All images were taken in 2014. It was a very exciting year with the birds and also birding with some old birding friends and meeting some new ones too. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen.

Snowy Owl at the Waukesha County Airport January 2014

Snowy Owl at the Waukesha County Airport January 2014

Snowy Owl at the Waukesha County Airport January 2014

Snowy Owl at the Waukesha County Airport January 2014

Snowy Owl going for the vole at the Waukesha County Airport January 2014

Snowy Owl at the Waukesha County Airport January 2014

Snowy Owl at the Waukesha County Airport January 2014

Red-tailed Hawk at Mitchell Park in Brookfield Wisconsin February 2, 2014

Red-tailed Hawk going for the prey at Mitchell Park in Brookfield Wisconsin February 2, 2014

Red-tailed Hawk getting its prey at Mitchell Park in Brookfield Wisconsin February 2, 2014

Red-tailed Hawk at Mitchell Park in Brookfield Wisconsin February 2, 2014

Snowy Owl at Buena Vista Grasslands Wildlife Area February 11,2014. It was said to be the most photographed Snowy Owl in the state for the 2013-2014 season!

Red-throated Loon at the Milwaukee River Mouth on Milwaukee’s Lakefront on February 23, 2014.

Red-breasted Merganser, male at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin February 2014

Common Goldeneye, male at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin February 2014

Northern Shoveler, male at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin February 2014

Pied-billed Grebe at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin March 2014

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at the Fox River Sanctuary Waukesha Wisconsin April 30, 2014

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at the Fox River Sanctuary Waukesha Wisconsin April 30, 2014

Horned Grebe at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin March 29, 2014

Horned Grebe at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin March 29, 2014

Ruby-crowned Kinglet at the Fox River Sanctuary Waukesha Wisconsin on April 30, 2014

Ruby-crowned Kinglet at the Fox River Sanctuary Waukesha Wisconsin on April 30, 2014

Worm-eating Warbler at the Fox River Park South Waukesha Wisconsin April 29, 2014

Worm-eating Warbler looking for larvae (worms) at the Fox River Park South Waukesha Wisconsin April 29, 2014

Worm-eating Warbler looking for larvae (worms) at the Fox River Park South Waukesha Wisconsin April 29, 2014

Garganey at Grantsburg Wisconsin on May 1, 2014

Common Yellowthroat, male at Lake Park Milwaukee Wisconsin May 8, 2014

Eastern Towhee, female at Lake Park Milwaukee Wisconsin May 8, 2014

Prothonotary Warbler at Wehr Nature Center in Franklin Wisconsin on May 11, 2014

Prothonotary Warbler at Wehr Nature Center in Franklin Wisconsin on May 11, 2014

Black-throated Green Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 10, 2014

Wilson’s Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 10, 2014

Cape May Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 13, 2014

Magnolia Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 14, 2014

Yellow Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 8, 2014

Tennessee Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 10, 2014

Northern Parula at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 14, 2014

Blackburnian Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 16, 2014

Chestnut-sided Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 18, 2014

Bay-breasted Warbler at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 20, 2014

American Redstart at the Fox River Sanctuary in Waukesha Wisconsin on May 18, 2014

Cattle Egret at the Fox River Park South Waukesha on May 24, 2014

Cattle Egret at the Fox River Park South Waukesha on May 24, 2014

Snowy Egret on the right with Great Egret at Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on May 24, 2014

Sandhill Crane with a colt in the South Kettle Moraine Waukesha County Wisconsin June 6, 2014

Sandhill Crane colt in the South Kettle Moraine Waukesha County Wisconsin June 6, 2014

Bonaparte’s Gull North Point Sheboygan Wisconsin on June 10, 2014

Little Gull at North Point Sheboygan Wisconsin June 10, 2014

Laughing Gull at Port Washington Wisconsin on June 10, 2014

Common Loon in Sawyer County Wisconsin June 30, 2014

Green Heron killing a crayfish at Lakeshore State Park on July 9, 2014

Green Heron resting at Lakeshore State Park on July 9, 2014

Green Heron killing a crayfish at Lakeshore State Park on July 9, 2014

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron resting at Lakeshore State Park on July 10, 2014

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron resting at Lakeshore State Park on July 10, 2014

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron catching a crayfish at Lakeshore State Park on July 10, 2014

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on Hoary Vervain at Lakeshore State Park on July 10, 2014

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on Royal Catchfly in Waukesha County on July 20, 2014

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on Royal Catchfly in Waukesha County on July 20, 2014

Blue Grosbeak at the Spring Green Preserve in Sauk County Wisconsin on August 9, 2014

Red Knot in Hustisford Wisconsin on August 15, 2014

Red Knot in Hustisford Wisconsin on August 15, 2014

Semipalmated Plover, juvenile at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on August 15, 2014

Black-bellied Plover Myer’s Park Racine Wisconsin August 19, 2014

Whimbrel at Myer’s Park Racine Wisconsin August 20, 2014

Short-billed Dowitcher at Myer’s Park Racine Wisconsin August 31, 2014

Whimbrels at Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Wisconsin September 2, 2014

Whimbrel at Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Wisconsin September 2, 2014

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on Cardinal Flower in Waukesha Wisconsin September 4, 2014

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on Zinnia species in Waukesha Wisconsin on September 8, 2014

Buff-breasted Sandpiper at the South Metro Pier in Oak Creek Wisconsin September 8, 2014

Sanderlings at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin September 10, 2014

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at the Bottle Gentian September 10, 2014

Ruddy Turnstones at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin September 13, 2014

Western Sandpiper at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin Sept 14, 2014

Parasitic Jaeger at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on September 19, 2014

American Golden-Plover at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin September 24, 2014

American Golden-Plover with a worm at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin September 24, 2014

American Avocet Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Wisconsin September 30, 2014

American Avocet Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Wisconsin September 30, 2014

American Avocet Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Wisconsin September 30, 2014

American Avocet Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Wisconsin September 30, 2014

Horned Grebe Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Wisconsin October 7, 2014

Glaucous Gull at McKinley Beach on Milwaukee’s Lakefront October 9, 2014

Semipalmated Sandpiper with blowing sand at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 3, 2014

Rufous Hummingbird (Cynthia’s yard bird), at Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on October 15, 2014

Rufous Hummingbird (Cynthia’s yard bird), at Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on October 19, 2014

Rufous Hummingbird (Cynthia’s yard bird), at Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on October 19, 2014

Rufous Hummingbird (Cynthia’s yard bird), at Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on October 19, 2014. Banding the bird!

Rufous Hummingbird (Cynthia’s yard bird), at Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on October 15, 2014. This bird was banded in Cynthia’s yard, and set free. Bird was relocated on approximately November 15, 2014 in North Carolina.

Anna’s Hummingbird in Sauk County Wisconsin on October 21, 2014

Anna’s Hummingbird in Sauk County Wisconsin on October 21, 2014

Rufous Hummingbird in Eagle Waukesha County Wisconsin on October 23, 2014

Rufous Hummingbird in Eagle Waukesha County Wisconsin on October 23, 2014

Rufous Hummingbird at Black Earth Wisconsin October 26, 2014

Snowy Owl at the Lake Express in Milwaukee Wisconsin November 29, 2014

Long-tailed Duck at the South Shore Yacht Club in Milwaukee Wisconsin December 6, 2014

American Three-toed Woodpecker in Burnett County Wisconsin on December 10, 2014

American Three-toed Woodpecker working the tree, distant doc shot

Red-tailed Hawk at the Lake Express Milwaukee Wisconsin December 23, 2014

Red-tailed Hawk at the Lake Express Milwaukee Wisconsin December 23, 2014
The End
Link to Wisconsin Birding Year in Review 2015:
Outstanding collection of fabulous images, Jim. Thanks for sharing!
Jim, waht a great year in review! I could not begin to pick out a favorite or two. Way to be in the moment and capture perfect images in time! 2014 was beatiful. Thanks for reminding us!
Happy New Year Jim. It was a pleasure paging through you collection of fine photos from 2014. Wisconsin sure has a large selection of feathered friends to enjoy.Paul and I want to thank you so very much for sharing. We truly enjoy looking at them.
Your photos inspire me and get me excited for another great year of birding! Thanks for sharing your incredible work. Happy New Year!
It was great meeting you at my home in Nov. 2013. I have thoroughly enjoyed viewing your photography ever since. You make a strong contribution to birding education in WI.
Thanks for all the time you spend in the field all over the state. Your photography is superb.
Stunning! Thanks for starting my New Year off perfectly. I live in Douglas County and am amazed at the diversity of birds we have throughout our great state. Good luck birding in 2015!
Thanks for sharing.
excellent photography, thanks for sharing.
what a treat to travel virtually back thru the year of 2014 thru your eye and lens. Really, really nice collection of beautiful birds. Your time, talent, and effort is greatly appreciated by me and many others. Thanx for the memories!
Jim – thanks for hauling yourself, camera, and lenses all around the state – for lying low on sand, rocks, and mud – for visiting and revisiting – and taking us along on your travels. I can’t think of a better way to begin a new year than reflecting on the incredible beauty of these birds through your lenses. Thank you!
Loved all your photos, Jim, but the avocet with the water dripping from its beak is definitely a favorite. Your work artfully shows the amazing beauty and diversity in nature, and inspires me to work even harder to conserve it!
Pingback: Wisconsin birding, the year in review 2015. Includes vagrants, special visitors or just the beautiful birds that either nest here or migrate through the state of Wisconsin. - Window to Wildlife - Photography by Jim Edlhuber
Pingback: Wisconsin Butterflies, Wildflowers, Mammals and other great subjects the Year in Review 2015 - Window to Wildlife - Photography by Jim Edlhuber