I have put together a collection of Wisconsin birding moments from the year 2015. The collection includes vagrants, special visitors, or just the beautiful birds that nest here or migrate through the state of Wisconsin. All images were taken in 2015. It was a very exciting year with the birds and also birding with some old birding friends and meeting some new ones, too. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. When putting this post together, once again, it amazes me what birds were seen this year here in Wisconsin!

Snowy Owl coming in for a landing at the Lake Express Ferry Milwaukee 1-4-15

Snowy Owl hunting at the Horicon Marsh on 1-14-15

Snowy Owl hunting from a perch at the Horicon Marsh on Hwy 49 1-14-15

Snowy Owl doing the yawn near the Horicon Marsh on 1-16-15

Northern Goshawk at sunrise at a pheasant farm in Fond du Lac County just north of Horicon Marsh 1-22-15

Common Eider at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15. A very rare bird for this region

Common Eider at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15

Common Eider at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15

Common Eider stretching at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15

Northern Pintail at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15

Northern Pintail at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15

Northern Pintail at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15

Common Eider and Northern Pintail at Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin on 1-30-15

Kumlein’s Iceland Gull 2nd cycle at the South Shore Yacht Club in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 2-8-15

Leucistic Greater Scaup on the Milwaukee River near Milwaukee’s lakefront on 2-15-15

White-winged Scoter, male adult at the Milwaukee River mouth on 2-24-15

White-winged Scoter, male adult with a mussel at the Milwaukee River mouth on 2-24-15

Red-throated Loon at Coal Park in Port Washington Wisconsin on 2-26-15

Red-throated Loon at Coal Park in Port Washington Wisconsin on 2-26-15

Red-throated Loon at Coal Park in Port Washington Wisconsin on 2-26-15

Wood Duck, male hanging out on the Pewaukee River in Waukesha County on 3-7-15

Wood Duck, male hanging out on the Pewaukee River in Waukesha County on 3-7-15

Wood Duck, male hanging out on the Pewaukee River in Waukesha County on 3-7-15

Gray Crowned Rosy-Finch in Ashland Wisconsin on 3-15-15. Very rare bird for this region found at a private residence

Gray Crowned Rosy-Finch in Ashland Wisconsin on 3-15-15

Gray Crowned Rosy-Finch at a feeder with a Pine Siskin 3-15-15

Gray Crowned Rosy-Finch in Ashland Wisconsin at a feeder 3-15-15

Ring-necked Duck male, on the Fox River in Waukesha County 3-19-15

Ring-necked Ducks, male-l, female-r on the Fox River in Waukesha County 3-19-15

Band-tailed Pigeon near Cuba City in Grant County Wisconsin. Found at a private residence, a very rare bird for this region 3-26-15

Band-tailed Pigeon near Cuba City in Grant County Wisconsin on 3-26-15

Band-tailed Pigeon near Cuba City in Grant County Wisconsin on 3-26-15

Winter Wren forging in a ravine at Lake Park Milwaukee Wisconsin on 4-4-15

Winter Wren in a ravine with a seed at Lake Park Milwaukee Wisconsin 4-4-15

Hermit Thrush at Lake Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin 4-4-15

Red-bellied Woodpecker at Lake Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin 4-4-15

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Lake Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin 4-4-15

Eurasian Wigeon, male at the Schoenberg Marsh in the early morning sun in Dane County Wisconsin on 4-6-15, a very rare bird for this region

American Wigeon, male front, Eurasian Wigeon, male back at the Schoenberg Marsh in early morning sun in Dane County Wisconsin on 4-6-15

American Wigeon, male front, Eurasian Wigeon, male back at the Schoenberg Marsh in early morning sun in Dane County Wisconsin on 4-6-15

Tundra Swans at the Madison Audubon Goose Pond Sanctuary in Dane County Wisconsin on 4-6-15

Prairie Warbler at the “Magic Hedge” near the Linwood Water Treatment Facility on Milwaukee’s lakefront in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 4-15-15

Prairie Warbler at the “Magic Hedge” near the Linwood Water Treatment Facility on Milwaukee’s lakefront in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 4-15-15

Prairie Warbler at the “Magic Hedge” near the Linwood Water Treatment Facility on Milwaukee’s lakefront in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 4-15-15

Great Horned Owl owlets in Waukesha County Wisconsin 4-25-15

Great Horned Owl owlet in Waukesha County Wisconsin 4-25-15

Great Horned Owl owlets in Waukesha County Wisconsin 4-25-15

Great Horned Owl adult about 100 feet from the owlets in Waukesha County Wisconsin 4-25-15

Bonaparte’s Gull, adult at Bradford Beach Milwaukee Wisconsin on 4-26-15

Wilson’s Phalarope, male at the Horicon Marsh on 4-30-15

Wilson’s Phalarope

Sandhill Crane at the Horicon Marsh on 4-30-15

American White Pelicans at the Horicon Marsh on 4-30-15

American White Pelican at the Horicon Marsh on 4-30-15

American White Pelican at the Horicon Marsh on 4-30-15

American White Pelicans at the Horicon Marsh on 4-30-15

Great Egrets at the Horicon Marsh on 4-30-15

Yellow-rumped Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-4-15

Black-throated Blue Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-6-15

Magnolia Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-6-15

Black-throated Green Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-6-15

Yellow Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-6-15

Blackburnian Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-8-15

Wilson’s Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-8-15

American Redstart, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-8-15

Prothonotary Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-10-15

Prothonotary Warbler, male with a bug at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-10-15

Bay-breasted Warbler male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-10-15

Canada Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-10-15

Prothonotary Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-10-15

Black-and-White Warbler, male at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-10-15

Black-throated Blue Warbler, female at Whitnall Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 5-10-15

House Wren, adult feeding young, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 6-21-15

House Wren, adult feeding young, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 6-21-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on Red Bee Balm, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 7-15-15

Common Loon with a resting chick in Sawyer County Wisconsin on 6-24-15

Common Loon, chick in Sawyer County Wisconsin on 6-24-15

Common Loon, adult stretching in Sawyer County Wisconsin on 6-24-15

Common Loon with a chick in Sawyer County Wisconsin on 6-24-15

American Bald Eagle, adult in Sawyer County Wisconsin 6-24-15

Purple Martin, adult at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 7-11-15

Red-tailed Hawk holding down a snake in Waukesha County Wisconsin on 7-28-15

Juvenile Red-winged Blackbirds above harassing the Red-tailed Hawk in Waukesha County Wisconsin 6-24-15

Red-tailed Hawk with frog in Waukesha County Wisconsin 6-24-15

Red-tailed Hawk with a chipmunk in Waukesha County Wisconsin 6-24-15

Red-tailed Hawk eying its prey at Frame Park in Waukesha Wisconsin on 8-2-15

Rufous Hummingbird, male found at a residence in Mayville Wisconsin on 8-6-15

Rufous Hummingbird, male in Mayville Wisconsin on 8-6-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Cardinal Flower, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 8-9-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Cardinal Flower, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 8-9-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Cardinal Flower, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 8-9-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Cardinal Flower, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 8-9-15

Marbled Godwit at CTH “V” pond in Dane County Wisconsin 8-11-15

Marbled Godwit at CTH “V” pond in Dane County Wisconsin 8-11-15

Semipalmated Plover at Myers Park in Racine County Wisconsin 8-13-15

Semipalmated Sandpiper at Myers Park in Racine County Wisconsin 8-13-15

Least Sandpiper at Grant Park in South Milwaukee Wisconsin 8-21-15

Sandhill Crane adult with juvenile feeding in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County 8-26-15

Sandhill Crane, juvenile feeding in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County 8-26-15

Sandhill Crane adult with juvenile feeding in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County 8-26-15

Green Heron, adult waiting for a catch at Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

Green Heron adult setting a bee out for bait, doing some fishing of its own at Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

Green Heron adult making the catch! At Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

Pied-billed Grebe, adult at Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

Pied-billed Grebe, adult, the yawn at Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

Pied-billed Grebe, juvenile eating a crayfish at Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

Black-crowned Night Heron, adult at Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Scarlet Sage, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 8-30-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Scarlet Sage, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 8-30-15

Green Heron, juvenile with a bull frog at Greenfield Park in West Allis Wisconsin on 8-28-15

American White Pelican at the Horicon Marsh 9-4-15

American White Pelican at take off at the Horicon Marsh 9-4-15!

Great Egret coming in for a landing at the Horicon Marsh 9-4-15

Green Heron, juvenile with a small fish at the Horicon Marsh 9-4-15

Great Egret with a catch at the Horicon Marsh 9-4-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Bottle Gentian, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 9-5-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Bottle Gentian, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 9-5-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the Bottle Gentian, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin 9-5-15

Common Nighthawk at the Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha County Wisconsin 9-7-15

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on a zinnia, a yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin on 9-11-15

Sanderling at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-18-15

Least Sandpiper at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-18-15

Semipalmated Plover on the move at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-18-15

Semipalmated Plover at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-18-15

Sanderling at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-18-15

Blue Morph Snow Goose with a feather after preening at Veterans Park on the Milwaukee lakefront in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-18-15

Sandhill Cranes in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on 9-23-15

Sandhill Crane taking a drink in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on 9-23-15

Sandhill Crane in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County on 9-23-15

Lincoln’s Sparrow at Lake Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-26-15

Eastern Phoebe, juvenile calling for an adult in the South Kettle Moraine in Waukesha County Wisconsin 9-25-15

Forster’s Tern, adult at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-28-15

White-crowned Sparrow, male at McKinley Marina in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 9-30-15

Bonaparte’s Gull at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 10-1-15

Black-bellied Plover, juvenile at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 10-8-15

Black-bellied Plover, juvenile at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 10-8-15

Blue Jay in Marquette County Wisconsin on 10-6-15

Chipping Sparrow in Marquette County Wisconsin on 10-6-15

Cedar Waxwing eating cedar berries, yard bird in Waukesha County Wisconsin on 10-9-15

Lincoln’s Sparrow at the Milwaukee Community Garden in Oak Creek Wisconsin on 10-14-15

Black-capped Chickadee still finding some sunflower seeds off a plant at the Milwaukee Community Garden in Oak Creek Wisconsin on 10-14-15

White-crowned Sparrow, juvenile at the Milwaukee Community Garden in Oak Creek Wisconsin on 10-14-15

Lapland Longspur at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 10-15-15

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at the Milwaukee Coast Guard Impoundment in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 10-25-15. A very rare bird for the region

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher near the Milwaukee Coast Guard Impoundment in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 10-25-15

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher with a grasshopper at the Milwaukee Coast Guard Impoundment in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 10-25-15

Western Kingbird looking for some insects at Warnimont Park in Cudahy Wisconsin on 11-3-15. A rare bird for the area

Western Kingbird at Warnimont Park in Cudahy Wisconsin on 11-3-15

Western Kingbird looking for some insects at Warnimont Park in Cudahy Wisconsin on 11-3-15

Red-headed Woodpecker with a piece of acorn after splitting one up in the top of this dead oak tree in Marquette County Wisconsin on 11-7-15

Red-headed Woodpecker hiding a piece of acorn in a tree crevasse in Marquette County Wisconsin on 11-7-15

Dark-eyed Junco bathing in Marquette County Wisconsin on 11-7-15

Black-capped Chickadee bathing in Marquette County Wisconsin on 11-7-15

Franklin’s Gull at North Point in Sheboygan Wisconsin on 11-12-15

Anna’s Hummingbird, female at a private residence in Waterloo, Jefferson County Wisconsin on 11-15-15. A rare bird for this area.

Anna’s Hummingbird, female in Waterloo, Jefferson County Wisconsin on 11-15-15

Anna’s Hummingbird, female in flight in Waterloo, Jefferson County Wisconsin on 11-15-15

American Kestrel in flight at the Lake Express Ferry in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 11-20-15

Fox Sparrow in Marquette County Wisconsin on 11-21-15

Northern Cardinal, male at the Milwaukee Community Garden in Oak Creek Wisconsin on 11-23-15

Lewis’s Woodpecker in Trempealeau County Wisconsin on 11-24-15. A very rare bird for the region. An amazing bird, amazing family that shared it too. I would guess with out a doubt the most viewed bird in the state of Wisconsin for 2015. The Lewis’s Woodpecker as I write this post has been viewed in the farm yard where it was found for over a month now.

Lewis’s Woodpecker in Trempealeau County Wisconsin on 11-24-15

Lewis’s Woodpecker in Trempealeau County Wisconsin on 11-24-15

Great Black-backed Gull at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 11-28-15

Long-tailed Duck, male at Manitowoc Wisconsin on 12-8-15

Long-tailed Duck, male at Manitowoc Wisconsin on 12-8-15

Long-tailed Duck, male at Manitowoc Wisconsin on 12-8-15

Long-tailed Duck, female at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 12-10-15

Long-tailed Duck, female stretching at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 12-10-15

Long-tailed Duck, female just cruising along at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 12-10-15

Snowy Owl at the Lake Express Ferry in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 12-30-15

Snowy Owl at the Lake Express Ferry in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 12-30-15

Snowy Owl at the Lake Express Ferry in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 12-30-15
The End – Happy New Year!
Link to Wisconsin Birding Year in Review 2014:
Amazing year with spectacular photos. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy New Year, and may 2016 bring all of us many great birding adventures.
That was so wonderful !!
Beautiful work,you are an inspiration to a beginner photographer& birder like myself.
What a wonderful education in birding ID and photography.
Thank you for sharing.
You ;have made an amazing and beautiful series for all of us to enjoy….thankyou so much, Jim. Happy New Year!
Fantastic Images Jim… A very awesome collection! Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic voyage! Thanks Jim.
Very nice collection! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful images, Jim. They are a wonderful summary of a wonderful birding year in Wisconsin. There are a lot of memories in this collection and I hope you are able to create more in 2016! Happy New Year!
Incredible, fascinating, gorgeous, breathtaking, awesome and marvelous are just a few words to describe the beauty of nature you have captured and shared with the rest of us. Every picture you shared with us this year has been greatly appreciated. I know I don’t always get the chance to get out in nature as often as I’d love to but your pictures are the next best thing to being there…..even better. Thanks Jim and Happy New Year to you and yours. Please keep your camera handy in 2016, if you don’t mind.
What a treat for the eyes. Now I’m ready to get out there. Thanks!
Very nicely done! Thanks for sharing.
Jim, Excellent job! Great way to start the new year, with a great look at the past year. May 2016 be as grand. Looking forward to viewing more of your photos.
Jim, I’ve enjoyed all of your photos throughout the year! This is a very nice summary! Thank you!
Just beautiful work Jim ! Very nice treat on New Year’s morning. Thanks for putting this up !
Thank you, Jim. Not only are your images beautiful but they are educational as well. I appreciate you sharing them. You have helped me learn more about the birds and gotten me closer to them thru your camera. Happy 2016 to you.
These are amazing. And those owlets!
Let me say: This was my first year birdwatching, and I started after the spring, so there are a lot of beauties that I would have missed out on had it not been for your wonderful images. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to see what I missed and helping me learn what to look for moving forward!
As always, thank you so very, very much for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing such wonderful images Jim. WOW!!
Wow Jim, some really great shots of unique birds. I have never seen most of them. Right place, right time, a ton of knowledge, and photographic talent.
What a wonderful way to start the new year…thanks for all your artistry. As always, many thanks. Enjoy 2016!
Pingback: Wisconsin Butterflies, Wildflowers, Mammals and other great subjects the Year in Review 2015 - Window to Wildlife - Photography by Jim Edlhuber
I’m not sure I hit post. Your photos have always amazed me. Every time I’m about to comment another beautiful one pops up. Keep up the good work in 2020!
Looking for a grey/blue bird solid color from the neck down with a solid red head.
I haven’t seen one in years and am not sure what the name is but was a wood pecker