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Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

Long-eared Owl in Wisconsin on December 23, 2021

One of my birding stops today produced a surprise Long-eared Owl perched 5 feet off the ground. It remained still for about 5 minutes, was not even looking at me, I was very quiet, it must have been eyeing up some food. After about 5 minutes passed, it turned its head and looked at me and I took a few shots. It was a cloudy day with some wind, cold temps around 30 degrees. Images were taken on December 23, 2021.

When I found the Long-eared Owl…it remained looking in that direction for about 5 minutes…

Another shot of when I came upon this owl…

Snowy Owls at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on November 24, 2021

I made a trip to the Milwaukee Lakefront early in the morning in search of Snowy Owls. Present was a hatch year male Snowy Owl at Lakeshore State Park. Another owl was on a pier dock at Discovery World close to Lakeshore SP. The owl at Lakeshore State Park was flushed when a couple of fishermen unknowingly scared it off coming into the area the owl was. It was a cloudy and windy morning with temps around 38 degrees. It was a cloudy and windy morning with temps around 38 degrees. Images were taken on November 24, 2021.

A hatch year male sits on a rock at Lakeshore State Park…

It takes to the sky when fisherman unknowingly walk into the area…

At the pier…a female

Hooded Merganser in Waukesha County Wisconsin on November 7, 2021

One of my birding stops today provided excellent views of a male Hooded Merganser in Waukesha County. It swam around with some Mallards, ate and did some preening too. A beautiful bird with partly cloudy skies, light winds and mild temperatures. Images were taken on November 7, 2021.

The Hooded Merganser, male…


The hood up…


The hood with a breeze…

Talking to another duck…



Just up from a dive…

Just a good looking duck!

Red-headed Woodpecker Juvenile in Marquette County Wisconsin on November 6, 2021

I enjoyed nice looks at this beautiful juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker in Marquette County. Some red is coming in on the head. A gorgeous day with some sun and mild temperatures for this time of year. Images were taken on November 6, 2021.

The juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker with some red starting to come in on the head…

I think opening a seed here…

Opening a seed here too, unless it is trying to stick in into the branch for future food…

Snow Buntings at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on November 3, 2021

A stop at McKinley Beach this morning gave nice views of Snow Buntings. There were about 15 present and were resting on some of the rocks along the lake or on grassy areas eating seeds. It was a cold morning with temps starting out around 25 degrees but with no wind and sunny skies it was pleasant. Images were taken on November 3, 2021.

The Snow Bunting…

Snow Bunting

Binomial name: Plectrophenax nivalis

Category: Longspurs and Snow Buntings

Size: 6.75” long, 14” wing span

Weight:  1.5 oz

Note: An arctic breeder that winters in the northern US and western Canada

Getting seeds to eat…seed in bill…they really blend in well in their surroundings…

More seeds to eat…

What they eat…

On the rocks….

Beautiful bird…

Black-crowned Night-Herons at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on September 19, 2021

I got a tip this morning on Black-crowned Night-Herons at Lakeshore State Park and I went to check them out. There were 3 juvenile birds present and they hung out on the rock shores catching food on one occasion that I saw. A few other attempts for food were made but they were missed. It was a beautiful day that warmed up to hot by noon, sunny skies and low winds. Images were taken on September 19, 2021.

The Black-crowned Night-Heron juvenile hunting…

Such a beautiful bird…



Waiting for something to come swimming by…

Here’s a catch, a fish…

Moving around on some rocks…

Standing at the shore this one waits for something to come by to eat…

Standing in the water and waiting for something to eat…

Just waiting for something to come by to eat…



Wood Ducks in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on September 17, 2021

I had the opportunity to photograph some Wood Ducks, juveniles and did not pass it up. These beautiful ducks gave nice views on a gorgeous sunny day with mild temps. Images were taken on September 17, 2021.

Wood Duck, juvenile male…

Wood Duck, juvenile female…

Wood Duck, juvenile male…

Wood Duck, juvenile male…

Wood Duck, juvenile male…

Wood Duck, juvenile males…

Wood Duck, juvenile male…

Wood Duck, juvenile males…

Black-bellied Plover at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on September 6, 2021

Walking Lakeshore State Park I observed a Black-bellied Plover at the beach area. This juvenile bird gave nice views. It walked back and forth along the beach area getting things to eat. It was a gorgeous morning with sunny skies and pleasant temperatures. Images were taken on September 6, 2021.

The Black-bellied Plover, juvenile…

Something in the bill to eat…

Down it went…

Close up…

The bird was finding plenty to eat…

More things to eat…

Some preening…

Just another shot…

A stretch…

A back view…

And more to eat…

Another nice treat…

Great Blue Heron hunting and finding things to eat at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on August 24, 2021

As I walked Greenfield Park this morning I came across a juvenile Great Blue Heron. The heron was walking through a weedy area out about 25 feet from shore. It moved slowly through the weeds catching a few fish and missing a few too. It was a warm morning and only going to get hotter with mostly sunny skies and little wind. Images were taken on August 24, 2021.

Hunting in the weeds listening and waiting for the next chance to catch a fish…

A try and a miss…

A nice catch here…

On its feet, so silent moving through the weeds listening and watching for something to catch and eat….

Such a beautiful bird…

Getting low in the water, it must see something ahead…

Just a nice pose…

Attack mode…

Another nice catch!

Moving into some deeper water here as there must be something ahead…

And another…

Snowy Plover at South Metro in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on July 22, 2021

I saw the report of a Snowy Plover at South Metro and decided to take a chance to get this life bird on my Wisconsin life list. Jessica H found this bird and got the word out. It was 7:15 PM and they lock the gate at 8:00 pm. I took off, got there and after going down the 121 steps, the security guard told me, turn around sir! He was kicking out a couple of young kids fishing and then me. A girl in the parking lot there told me there was a path along a fence line. I found it and went down the bluff walking through acres of poison ivy, not me friend. After finally getting to the beach I found the bird. #360. I hope the bird hangs around for others to see it. New image taken on July 23, 2021

The Snowy Plover


The Snowy Plover walking on the algae near the water…

The Snowy Plover resting. It did this 95% of the time I was there…

Blooming Summer Native Wildflowers in Waukesha County July 7, 2021

I have tried to capture some of the recent beauty of some late spring and summer blooming native wildflowers. Wildflower images have been taken in the yard here in Waukesha County.  It has been an amazing year so far for wildflower blooms with the on going moisture and warm temperatures.

Fire Pink, Silene virginica

Spiderwort, Tradescantia ohiensis

Spiderwort, Tradescantia ohiensis, white found in the wild…

Smooth Phlox, Phlox glaberrima interior

Showy Milkweed, Asclepias speciosa

Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta

Spider Milkweed, Asclepias viridis

Red Bee Balm, Monarda didyma

Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa

Tall Bellflower, Campanula americana

Rosin Weed, Silphium intergrifolium

Prairie Cinquefoil, Potentilla arguta

Royal Catchfly, Silene regia

Great Blue Heron in Sawyer County Wisconsin on July 2, 2021

While out birding on some back roads in Sawyer County I came across a Great Blue Heron. It was standing on a log preening when I went by. A beautiful morning out with temps in the upper 50’s to start and sunny skies. Images were taken on July 2, 2021

Great Blue Heron perched on a log…

Those beautiful feathers…

Dagger type bill…

Bobolinks at Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha County Wisconsin on June 7, 2021

A stop at Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha provided nice views of male Bobolinks. I only saw females a couple of times going to nests on the ground I would think. I stayed at a distance not to disturb the areas where they are possibly nesting. It did not appear they were feeding young as of yet. It was a warm muggy morning to start with temps in the 70’s. Images were taken on June 7, 2021.

Bobolink, male calling…

In some of the habitat they are found in…

Coming in to land on an old wildflower stalk…

In some of its habitat these birds hang out in of old wildflowers and grass canes, hanging on with the wind blowing…

Just perched pretty…

What they do…

Shorebirds at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee Wisconsin on June 4, 2021

One of my birding stops today along the Milwaukee lakefront was McKinley Beach.  Present were 3 Dunlins, 6 Semipalmated Sandpipers and 1 Semipalmated Plover. They put on a nice show eating things they like on the algae mat that has formed there. They also found food at the waters edge at the beach. While I was there they suddenly all got up at the same time and flew north. I believe there was a predator in the area. It was a beautiful morning with low winds, 70 degrees and mostly cloudy. Images were taken on June 4, 2021.

The Dunlin giving nice looks…

The Dunlin walking in the water finding things to eat…

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Semipalmated Sandpiper with food in the bill…

Semipalmated Plover

The Dunlin preening…

The Dunlin shaking off…

The Dunlin fluffed up some…

Semipalmated Sandpiper with something in the bill…

Walking across the algae mat…

Black-throated Gray Warbler at Lake Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on May 19, 2021

The Black-throated Gray warbler, a very rare visitor to the state was found at Lake Park this morning. This female put on a great show eating gnats along the Locust Street ravine. This warbler stayed hidden out of sight for a while at times.  Credit goes to Nathaniel W for finding this great warbler and getting the word out for others to see it. A cloudy cold day on the lakefront with winds out of the NE. Images were taken on May 19, 2021.

The Black-throated Gray Warbler…

Here going for a gnat…

Looking around for something to eat…there were plenty of gnats…

Moving about the thick brush high and low to the ground…

Perched pretty…

Snowy Egret at Lincoln Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on May 17, 2021

This is a great bird for the area, more of a southern species, but they are seen in the state every year it seems. I made the run over to Lincoln Park after the word got out about the Snowy Egret. I heard Tom Wood was the finder of this visiting bird and got the word out for others to come see it, thank you Tom! The park has many sandbars on the Milwaukee River and is a big open area. The Snowy Egret never was close but I took a few distant shots to share. The bird did some feeding on the river and moved around a little, gave a nice show from a distance. It starting preening on a log and looked like not much was going to be going on for awhile and I left. Hope it hangs around for others to see it. It was a nice sunny morning, with temps around 60 degrees. Images were taken on May 17, 2021.

The Snowy Egret at a distance, looking for something to eat…

In search of something to eat…

Doing some preening…

Some of our feathered friends in Marquette County Wisconsin on May 15, 2021

Some photos of our feather friends in Marquette County on May 15, 2021.

Eastern Towhee, male

Red-headed Woodpecker

Northern Cardinal, male

Rose-breasted Grosbeak, male

Rose-breasted Grosbeak, female

Blue Jay

Indigo Bunting, male

Baltimore Oriole, female

Red-headed Woodpecker

Northern Cardinal, male

Blue Jay

Black-capped Chickadee

Short-billed Dowitchers at Grant Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on May 13, 2021

A stop at Grant Park in Milwaukee County produced 10 Short-billed Dowitchers. Nice to see these beautiful shorebirds fairly close up as usually they are seen at a distance. When I arrived they appeared to be resting with most eyes closed. After about 20 minutes some of them started to do some feeding. It was a beautiful day with sunny skies and mild temps. Images were taken on May 13, 2021.

The long bill on a Short-billed Dowitcher, feeding here…

Some of the 10 Short-billed Dowitchers…

They were actively feeding…

These birds sorta resemble a sewing machine when feeding with their bills going in and out of the water…

Sanderling at South Shore Park in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on May 10, 2021

Hitting a few beaches along the Milwaukee lakefront produced one Sanderling at South Shore Park. The bird was looking beautiful going into its breeding plumage. The bird fed up and down the beach shoreline and sometimes being flushed by walkers which use this beach. It was a cold day out with good winds coming off the lake at 40 degree temps, I did not see the sun till later in the day. Images were taken on May 10, 2021.

The Sanderling flying out over the water and then back to the beach as walkers came by…

Waiting for something to eat…

Getting something…

Something small in the bill to eat…

Looking for something to eat here…

Something in the bill…they eat sand crabs, amphipods, isopods, insects, marine worms, small mollusks…

Moving up onto the shore after a wave came in and goes back out…

More food in the bill…they like to watch for food in the sand after a wave comes in…

And more food…