I hit Grant Park this morning with hopes to see some shorebirds. There were no shorebirds present but the Bonaparte’s Gull numbers were very impressive way out on the water. Only one time did one land on the beach when I was there. For the most part they were either moving north, sometimes south, and sometimes they would land for resting and feeding. Literally 1,000’s and 1,000’s of them what a treat to see! It would have been nice to have a different lens for this type of photography to get a better picture of the mass of gulls there were as it went as far as I could see north and south on the lake. It was a pleasant morning for a few hours but rain is on it’s way again. Images were taken on May 1, 2017.

One on the beach was it…

Some gulls were flying, some feeding and some resting…

Note the line of gulls on the horizon went on for as far as you could see in both directions

2-Bonaparte’s Gulls, adult in breeding plumage, 1 – 1st winter, correct me if I’m wrong.
Very astonishing and beautiful. Glad you were able to capture them so well. Thanks for sharing.
Jim, I get such vicarious pleasure out of your photos. It’s like I’m right there with you. A million thanks
Very, very impressive. Such a sight might be once in a lifetime. Hard to find any kind of flocks of Bonapartes in the interior of the state.