Common Loons in Sawyer County Wisconsin on July 3, 2015

On a recent trip to Sawyer County in Northern Wisconsin, I had the opportunity to watch and enjoy Common Loons with the chicks. I keep learning new things about these magnificent birds while a spend time watching them. Images were taken during the last week or so of June 2015.

Common Loon with a resting chick

Common Loon with a resting chick

Common Loon

Binomial name: Gavia immer

Category: Loons

Description: Black head with black and white checkered body in summer for breeding season; brown and white body in the winter.  Blackish-blue bill that is held horizontally and black feet.

Size: 24″-40″ long, 4′ – 5′ wingspan

Weight: 4 lbs. – 8 lbs.

Habitat: Large lakes and shorelines

Diet: Fish (perch, trout, sunfish, bass, crayfish)

Nesting: Usually nests on small islands or other locations safe from land-based predators.  The nest may be made out of thin sticks, dried grasses, or a depression in mud or sand.  Typically 1 to 3 eggs will be laid at one time and will be incubated by both parents.  The parents aggressively protect their nests and share the responsibility of feeding the young.  Baby loons may be seen riding on the back of either parent in the water.

Notes: The Common Loon has legs positioned in the rear of its body.  This makes for excellent diving and graceful swimming; however, it also makes for awkward landings and clumsy walking.  In fact, Loons require a “runway” spanning 30 yards or 1/4 mile for take-off and landing AND it can only be done in water.  Loons have actually been stranded in small ponds, icy lakes, or even a parking lot without a suitable runway and must be rescued.

Common Loon with a chick

Common Loon with a chick

Adult Common Loon, the young chick just resting on her back

Adult Common Loon, the young chick just resting on her back

Common Loon with 2 chicks

Common Loon with 2 chicks

Common Loon

Common Loon

Feeding time

Adult Common Loon feeding the young. In my observations the female rests with the chicks off feeding time. The adult male is no where to be seen but at feeding time shows up by flying into the area and landing or just appears out of nowhere along a shoreline or moves in from along ways off in underwater swimming.

Feeding time

Feeding time

Adult stretching

Adult stretching

Adult stretching

Adult stretching

Adult stretching

Adult stretching

Feeding time

Feeding time



This adult doing the YODEL call. Moments before a different adult was calling  from a distant location and could not be seen. These 2 adults layed very low in the water almost appeared as they were trying to hide but being on alert.

This adult was doing the YODEL call. Moments before a different adult was calling from a distant location but could not be seen. These 2 adults layed very low in the water, almost appeared they were trying to hide but still being on alert.

Common Loon family

Common Loon family

Adult Common Loon with a chick under the adult wing. I observed 2 chicks under the wings of an adult for well over an hour and I could not see them until the came out, amazing!

Adult Common Loon with a chick under the adult wing and 1 standing by. I observed 2 chicks under the wings of an adult for well over an hour and I could not see them until the came out, amazing!

The stretch

The stretch

The stretch

The stretch

Common Loon family with 2 chicks, one feeding

Common Loon family feeding chicks on the back of an adult

Feeding time

Feeding time

Feeding time

Feeding time

An adult at take off time on the water, going from a long run finally taking to the air.

An adult at take off time on the water, going from a long run finally taking to the air.

In this image there are 5 adult, which I think are males, but this is only a guess. I have observed adults gather for years in the early morning, then departing going their separate ways. I have also observed adults gathering, leaving the group, going to help the female feed young, then retuning to a group.  It appears at feeding time the male shows up, they feed young, the male leaves the area returns later, etc.

In this image there are 5 adult, which I think are males, but this is only a guess. I have observed adults gather for years in the early morning, then departing going their separate ways. I have also observed adults gathering, leaving the group, going to help the female feed young, then retuning to a group.

In the morning fog, Common Loon with chick

In the morning fog, Common Loon with chicks

Adult Common Loon preening

Adult Common Loon preening

Adult Common Loon preening

Adult Common Loon preening

Common Loon

Common Loon

Great Blue Heron just hanging out

Great Blue Heron just hanging out

American Bald Eagle

American Bald Eagle

Black Bear swimming across a channel

Black Bear swimming across a channel

Black Bear reaching the other shore after a long swim across the channel

Black Bear reaching the other shore after a long swim across the channel

White-tailed Deer, doe

White-tailed Deer, doe

White-tailed Deer, doe

White-tailed Deer, doe

Ruby-throated Hummingbird on Red Bee Balm in Waukesha County Wisconsin July 5, 2015

A pair of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have been in the yard here since spring. I photographed this female early this afternoon in a bed of Red Bee Balm. This plant is a magnet for these birds. Images were taken on July 5, 2015.


Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Binomial name: Archilochus colubris

Category: Hummingbirds

Description: Metallic green feathers on back, grayish-white on underparts.  Males have a vibrant red throat which may appear dark in poor lighting. Wings are dark gray, almost black.  Long, slender bill is black in color and mostly straight with a slight curve at the tip.

Size: 2.8″-3.5″ long, 3” – 4” wingspan

Weight: 0.071 oz. – 0.21 oz.

Habitat: Broadleaf and pine forests, orchards, meadows, parks, and gardens











House Wrens bringing food to the nest hole to feed the young in Waukesha County Wisconsin on June 21, 2015

I noticed on a walk through the yard today adult House Wrens where very busy at one of the bird houses bringing in food for the young. I stopped and observed for awhile and took a few shots to share. Some of the food brought into the nest hole appeared to be such things as green caterpillars, spiders, and many moths to name a few. Although I did not see any young, they were small in size and in the house. There was also some house cleaning going on. Images were taken on June 21, 2015.


House Wren with green caterpillar

House Wren

Binomial name: Troglodytes aedon

Category: Wrens

Size: 4.75” long, 6” wing span

Weight: 0.39 Oz

House Wren

House Wren with spider

House Wren with

House Wren with caterpillar

House Wren leaving nest hole

House Wren leaving nest hole

House Wren with moth

House Wren with possible moth

House Wren

House Wren

House Wren with spider

House Wren with spider

House Wren removing fecal sacs from nest

House Wren removing fecal sac from nest

House Wren removing fecal sacs from nest

House Wren removing fecal sac from nest

House Wren with moth

House Wren with moth


House Wren

House Wren arriving at the bird house with some food

House Wren arriving at the bird house with some food

House Wren arriving at the bird house with some food

House Wren arriving at the bird house with some food

House Wren with catipillar

House Wren with caterpillar

House Wren

House Wren

House Wren

House Wren

House Wren removing fecal sacs from nest

House Wren removing fecal sac from nest

House Wren with Daddy Longlegs

House Wren with Daddy Long Legs

House Wren with a moth

House Wren with a moth

House Wren with Daddy Long Legs

House Wren with Daddy Long Legs

House Wren with a caterpillar

House Wren with a caterpillar

House Wren

House Wren

House Wren

House Wren

House Wren with moth

House Wren with moth

Prothonotary Warbler at Whitnall Park in Franklin Wisconsin on May 12, 2015

I made a stop at Whitnall Park mid-morning today to see what was going on with the warblers. It was slow for warblers with like it has been in the past, just 1 and 2 of a few species, no big fallout. I ran into Bruce and he had viewed 2 Prothonotary Warblers earlier near the big waterfall. As we spent some time waiting for things to pick up, a Prothonotary Warbler made a brief appearance near the board walk below the dam. It continually feed during it’s brief appearance and then disappeared. It was windy, cloudy and cold, but seeing a Prothonotary Warbler always makes a bird trip worth it. Other warbler species viewed today, Golden-winged, Black-throated Blue (f), Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, Black and White, American Redstart, and brief looks at a Bay-breasted. Images of the Prothonotary Warbler feeding were taken on May 12, 2015.













Prothonotary Warbler at Whitnall Park in Franklin Wisconsin on May 10, 2015

I stopped by Whitnall Park this morning for a couple hours. It was a cloudy day with a couple rain drops on occasion with cool temps and a little wind. A couple of the highlight warblers were brief views of a stunning golden-yellow male Prothonotary Warbler and male Bay-breasted Warbler. Some of the other warbler species present were Blackburnian, Yellow, Black-throated Blue, Black and White, Palm, Canada, Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat and American Redstart. Fun couple of hours watching these warblers feed at a fast pace today. Images were taken on May 10, 2015.

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler with a bug

Prothonotary Warbler with a bug

Prothonotary Warbler with a bug

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler looking through the leaves for bugs

Prothonotary Warbler feeding

Prothonotary Warbler feeding

Prothonotary Warbler going through the leaves for bugs

Prothonotary Warbler going through the leaves for bugs

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler calling!

Prothonotary Warbler calling!

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler going for a bug

Prothonotary Warbler going for a bug!

Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Canada Warbler

Canada Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

Black-throated Blue Warbler, female

Black and White Warbler with a bug!

Black and White Warbler with a bug!

Black and White Warbler with another bug!

Black and White Warbler with another bug!

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Warblers at Whitnall Park in Franklin Wisconsin on May 8, 2015

I made a stop at  Whitnall  Park mid-morning to see what the action was like. It was another day of just a couple of warblers 1’s on 2’s of a few nice species. Species hanging around were a Wilson’s Warbler, a Canada Warbler for a few minutes, and a Black-throated Blue Warbler was still around. Also brief views of a Blackburnian Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, Black and White Warbler, American Redstart, Nashville Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Common Yellowthroat and Northern Waterthrush. A fun morning out with a nice group of birders on a morning of some clouds and sun with warm temps. Images were taken on May 8, 2015.

Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Wilson's Warbler going for a bug!

Wilson’s Warbler going for a bug!

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Canada Warbler

Canada Warbler

Canada Warbler

Canada Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler

American Redstart

American Redstart calling!

American Redstart

American Redstart

American Redstart calling!

American Redstart calling!

Warblers at Whitnall Park in Franklin Wisconsin on May 6, 2015

I made a stop at Whitnall Park this morning to see if the warbler action had changed from yesterday. A few more species were present but that was about it. New today from since yesterday was Blackburnian Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Northern Parula and the Wilson’s Warbler. The Black-throated Blue Warbler was still present on and off today. It was a nice day to be out with other birders and friends. Some sun and clouds with mild temps. Images were taken on May 6, 2015.

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

Swainson's Thrush

Swainson’s Thrush

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Warblers at Whitnall Park in Franklin Wisconsin on May 4, 2015

I stopped in at Whitnall Park this morning to check out the warbler action. Surprisingly I could only come up with 5 species and only 1’s and 2’s of each. A stunning Black-throated Blue was the highlight. Other warbler species present were American Redstart, Magnolia, Black and White, Palm and Yellow-rumps. FOY Rose-breasted Grosbeak was a treat along with what I am 99% sure a Tufted Titmouse. Nice morning to be out with mild temps and partly cloudy. Images were taken on May 5, 2015.

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler at the landing!

Black-throated Blue Warbler at the landing!

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler doing the call!

Black-throated Blue Warbler doing the call!

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler looking at a bug!

Black-throated Blue Warbler, back view

Black-throated Blue Warbler, back view

American Redstart

American Redstart

American Redstart

American Redstart, calling!

American Redstart

American Redstart, calling!

American Redstart

American Redstart


Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler going for a bug!

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler going for the bug.

Black and White Warbler going for the bug.

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler preening

Yellow-rumped Warbler preening

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Wilson’s Phalarope, American White Pelicans, Great Egrets and more at the Horicon Marsh in Wisconsin on April 30, 2015

I made the first trip up to Horicon Marsh this spring early morning today. I was there at sun up and it was a beautiful morning. I stopped on Hwy 49 and there was nothing special going on that I could see. I hit the auto tour next a couple of times and it provided some nice views of American White Pelicans, Great Egrets  and a few Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs. Mixed in with the yellowlegs was a beautiful male Wilson’s Phalarope. Other than that common ducks that have been reported, Sandhill Cranes, Double-crested Cormorants, etc. I hit Dike Road and it was pretty quiet, all I could come up with was a Great Blue Heron for something special. Nice morning to be out with 38 degrees to start with sun, but after a couple of hours the clouds rolled in and I headed south. Images were taken in the early morning sun on April 30, 2015.

Wilson's Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope

Binomial name: Phalaropus tricolor

Category: Sandpipers and Phalaropes and Allies

Size: 9.25” long, 17” wing span

Weight: 2.1 oz

Wilson's Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope

Wilson's Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope

Wilson's Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope

Wilson's Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope

Wilson's Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

American White Pelican preening

American White Pelican preening


American White Pelicans

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans resting

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

Great Egret

Great Egret

Great Egrets

Great Egrets

Great Egrets

Great Egrets

Great Egrets

Great Egrets

Great Egret preening

Great Egret preening


Great Egret

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Great Horned Owl Owlets in Waukesha County Wisconsin on April 24, 2015

I birded the Milwaukee lakefront early this morning and the lake was still along with the birding. Large flocks of 100’s – Double-crested Cormorants on the lake, and some flying north was one of the highlights. I saw 2 Black-crowned Night Herons at the lagoon in the trees from Memorial Drive looking east. The few parts of Lake Park I birded and Lakeshore State Park were quiet. I few stops out in Waukesha Co surprised me with Great Horned Owl owlets. No adults were present while I was there (see update below). 4 owlets total out of the nest, I did not hang around but grabbed a few pics. At the same location I flushed a Wild Turkey from a nest, scared the heck out of me and I quickly exited the area and took a distant photo of the eggs. Always surprises me how they manage with the nests on the ground with all the predictors. I know they all don’t survive! Not a lot of bird species today but some nice action! Images were taken on April 24, 2015. UPDATE: A return to the Great Horned Owl location the next day, April 25, 2015 an adult Great Horned Owl was present. The Owl remained in a nearby tree and never moved from that spot while I was there. Images of that adult have been added below.


Great Horned Owl – Owlets

Great Horned Owls

Binomial name: Bubo virginianus

Category: Owls

Size: 22” long, 44” wing span

Weight: 3.1 lb







Adult Great Horned Owl

Adult Great Horned Owl

Adult Great Horned Owl

Adult Great Horned Owl

Wild Turkey nest with eggs

Wild Turkey nest with eggs from a distance, other images show at least 11 eggs.

Double-crested Cormorants flyover Lake Michigan

Double-crested Cormorants flyover Lake Michigan

Double-crested Cormorants flyover Lake Michigan

Double-crested Cormorants flyover Lake Michigan

Prairie Warbler at the Linnwood Water Treatment Plant “Magic Hedge” in Milwaukee Wisconsin on April 15, 2015

I made the run into Milwaukee very early this morning with hopes to see the reported male Prairie Warbler. The Prairie Warbler was reported yesterday early morning and remained at this location for most of the day. This “Magic Hedge” is just south of the water treatment plant on Lake Michigan on Milwaukee’s lakefront. I arrived at the reported location at 6:20 am. Another birder Laurie was already on site looking for the Prairie Warbler but could not locate it. We both looked hard up and down the hedge for about 30 minutes and then I spotted the Prairie Warbler high in one of the 2 spruce trees to the north. Moments later a Kinglet was spotted in the same tree. Action stopped and we both left the area. I birded Lake Park for well over an hour and not much as going on. I ended my walk on the north end of the park on Memorial Drive with about 5 birders looking around that area for yesterdays report of the Screech Owl but the owl was no where to be seen. I thought I would walk over and check the “Magic Hedge” once more. In only a couple of minutes I spotted the Prairie Warbler up in the spruce where I had saw it earlier. They don’t call this hedge “Magic Hedge” for no reason. The Prairie Warbler flew out of the spruce tree into the hedge. It feed actively for about 5 minutes down east to the lake on the hedge. It looked for insects etc on the ground. It returned west on the hedge back and flew right back into the spruce tree. It remained there for the next 30 minutes and then I left the area. The “Magic Hedge” has produced some great birds over the years and should be check often. A big thank you to Andy Cassini for finding this great bird and getting the word out for others to come and try for it. Not a life bird for me as I found a Prairie Warbler a couple years ago up in Lake Park just up the hill from this location and another in the South Kettle Moraine in 2010. Images were taken on April 15, 2015.


Prairie Warbler

Binomial name: Dendroica discolor

Category: Wood Warblers

Size: 4.75” long, 7” wing span

Weight: 0.27 Oz

Range: The normal range for this bird is the eastern US, west to portions of eastern Texas, Kansas and all of Missouri, south into Florida and north to northern IL but not Wisconsin. Every year a few are found in Wisconsin. Always a special event for birders to see one!




Searching for it’s next insect!



Neck feathers up, searching for it’s next insect!


Neck feathers up!


Neck feathers up!


Searching for it’s next insect!


Searching for it’s next insect!


Neck feathers up!


Neck feathers up, searching for it’s next insect!


Neck feathers down, searching for it’s next insect!

Finding and insect to eat

Finding an insect to eat.

Searching for food on the ground at the east end of the hedge.

Searching for food on the ground at the east end of the hedge.

Searching for food on the ground at the east end of the hedge but thinking about getting back up into the hedge.

Searching for food on the ground at the east end of the hedge but thinking about getting back up into the hedge.

Take off!

Take off!



Searching for it’s next insect!


Searching for it’s next insect at take off!


Going for it’s next insect!

Searching for the next insect.

Searching for the next insect.

Looking around

Looking around

Searching for the next insect.

Tail spread, doc shot.

Tail spread, doc shot

Tail spread, doc shot

Eurasian Wigeon at the Schoenberg Marsh in Columbia County Wisconsin on April 6, 2015

I made the run out to the Schoenberg Marsh in Columbia County this morning in hopes to see the Eurasian Wigeon. It was there as reported and only gave distant views while I was there. The duck is actually at the Erstad Prairie pond which is about the same location as Schoenberg Marsh. The beautiful male duck was active the whole time I was present. It seemed to hang out with different ducks, dipped and feed with an American Wigeon. The Marsh was a great place this morning with many duck species. Some of the species were Wood Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks and Blue-winged Teal. Always nice to start the day with a new Wisconsin life bird. From there I hit Goose Pond just down the road it had Tundra Swans and many Canada Geese. Another pond just down the road, DM and I had  4 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Wilson’s Snips and 1 Rusty Blackbird. From there I went down to the Rock County Airport with hopes to see the reported Loggerhead Shrike. I spent some time there but came up empty. Ended the day hitting a few spots in the South Kettle Moraine and just had a few Sandhill Cranes. Thanks to Valerie who found the Eurasian Wigeon and to the others who got the word out for others to see the uncommon species to the area. A big thanks to Melody for those perfect directions to the marsh pond! A cool morning with some sun, target bird found, meeting birding friends along the way today made for an exciting day! Images were taken on April 6, 2015.


Eurasian Wigeon, male

Eurasian Wigeon

Binomial name: Anas penelope

Category: Ducks, Geese and Swans

Size: 20” long, 32” wing span

Weight: 1.5 lb

Cool facts: Birds that are found in North America each year are likely birds that have come from eastern Siberia and Iceland. They have not found breeding Eurasian Wigeons in North America but it could be taking place.

Eurasian Wigeon, male

Eurasian Wigeon, male

American Wigeon, male front, Eurasian Wigeon, male back

American Wigeon, male front, Eurasian Wigeon, male back

Eurasian Wigeon, male

American Wigeon, male front, Eurasian Wigeon, male back

Eurasian Wigeon, male, left, American Wigeon, male, right

Eurasian Wigeon, male, left, American Wigeon, male, right

Eurasian Wigeon, male

Eurasian Wigeon, male

Eurasian Wigeon, male

Eurasian Wigeon, male, middle, American Wigeon, male, right

American Wigeon, male and Eurasian Wigeon, male dipping

American Wigeon, male and Eurasian Wigeon, male dipping

The setting from a distance at Schoenberg Marsh

Some waterfowl with the Eurasian Wigeon from a distance at Schoenberg Marsh

Wood Duck at the marsh, male

Wood Duck at the marsh, male

Blue-winged Teal, male Goose Pond

Blue-winged Teal, male Goose Pond

Blue-winged Teal, female

Blue-winged Teal, female Goose Pond

Swan, Goose Pond

Tundra Swan at Goose Pond

Swan, Goose Pond

Tundra Swans at Goose Pond

Swan, Goose Pond

Tundra Swan, Goose Pond

Swan preening, Goose Pond

Tundra Swan preening, Goose Pond

Swan, Goose Pond

Tundra Swan, Goose Pond

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane, the call, South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane, the call, South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane feeding in the South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane feeding in the South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Sandhill Crane South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Mallard Duck, female South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Mallard Duck, female South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Mallard Duck, male South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Mallard Duck, male South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Song Sparrow finding food at Paradise Springs South Kettle Moraine near Eagle

Band-tailed Pigeon near the town of Cuba City in Grant County Wisconsin on March 26, 2015

After birding the lakefront extensively in Milwaukee for almost 3 hours this morning I thought my birding for the day was over. Little did I know my birding for the day was going to continue with a lot of excitement. Returning home and checking my email was just the start. Tom P had just posted the very rare bird sighting, the Band-tailed Pigeon. This very large pigeon in size could be a 4th Wisconsin state record sighting! What makes this bird so rare is that it’s normal range is western California and 4 corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado and also some far western parts of the Canadian coast. This location was near the town of Cuba City in Grant County. It was almost 1:30 pm, and with the 2 hour and 25 minute drive to the western part of the state south of Platteville to see this rare bird today even possible? I took the chance. Arriving at the private residence at 3:45 pm I walked up to the house area as there were many feeders in the yard, I was not sure where to exactly go. I saw no bird anywhere that looked like a possible pigeon. John came out and greeted me and said the bird had just been present for the last 5 hours, but that was 30 minutes ago. If you go to a rare bird sighting and the bird is not present, you get this feeling, if, why, where and wonder all sorts of things go through your mind. After 10-15 minutes, Jessica G and Paul showed up. All 4 of us looked at the feeder and no bird. John suggested someone walk some of his land that is loaded with pine and deciduous trees and I did. I walked about 5-10 minutes staying closer to the house. I thought in all these pines, this could be difficult!  I returned to the gang and said I would go out looking farther but I wanted them to have my phone number in case the bird showed at the feeder and I was in the back 40. As we are swapping phone numbers, Jessica says “Hey, that looks like the bird over there, the bird we want”! It was, about 150′ away perched in a tree just waiting for us to put our bins and cameras on it. Pretty unbelievable how that happened! The bird stayed perched and we just kept a distance after about 5 minutes it took flight out west over the road and really had no clue as to where it went over the trees. After about 10 minutes I walked out on the road west of the house and it did a quick flyover to my surprise. I watched it fly off about 500′ across the road and landed in a hedge row. It remained there for the rest of our stay. John’s wife wanted to also see the bird as she just got home. Jessica set her scope up and then we all saw the bird. John is a very big birder and has a yard list of an incredible 144 species!!! John and his wife call their yard a bird oasis which also has a pond. Many thanks to John, for reporting this bird and sharing it with others! Thanks too, to the birders that got this bird sighting information put together and out on the web so others could see the uncommon visitor here to Wisconsin. John called me on the road 15 minutes after I left his place and said the pigeon had returned to the feeder it was at earlier in the day. Images were taken on March 26, 2015. What a fun time!


Band-tailed Pigeon

Binomial name: Columba fasciata

Category: Pigeons and Doves

Size: 14.5” long, 26” wing span

Weight: 13 oz

Normal Range: Western California and 4 corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado and also some far western parts of the Canadian coast.



Sun was only out for a couple of seconds today, just enough show these beautiful colors




Distant flyover

Distant flyover

Distant flyover

Distant flyover

It hunkered down off in a distance when we left here 500' from the road in a hedge row.

It hunkered down off in a distance when we left here 500′ from the road in a hedge row.

White collar up, blowing wind

White collar up, blowing wind






Looking at you

Looking at you

Ring-necked Ducks on the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on March 19, 2015

I stopped at the Fox River in downtown Waukesha, Frame Park, mid morning to see if what was going on. About ~10 Ring-necked Ducks were present. They have been hanging around now for a few days there on the river. These ducks are pretty skittish and never come very close to shore, pedestrians keep them pretty much in the middle of the river. Every once in awhile they drift a little bit to one side or the river or the other diving for food. They dove for food while I was there, then seemed to want to nap. I ran into Dan W. down there and we did a little shooting together for the few minutes of light we had this morning. Other species present appeared to be some Lesser Scaups, ~4 American Coots and a couple of Common Goldeneye were  still hanging around. In the park area there were nice numbers of American Robins. A flock of European Starlings were also making themselves known. Images were taken on March 19, 2015.

Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck

Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck

Ring-necked Duck

Binomial name: Aythya collaris

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 17” long, 25” wing span

Weight: 1.5 lb.

Habitat:  Shallow freshwater or acidic wetlands such as fens, bogs, marshes, beaver ponds and swamps. They will use saltwater areas in the southern states.

Diet: The Ring-necked Duck gets its food diving shallow or near the surface.  Eats plants such as wild rice, wild celery, sedges, reed canary grass, arrowhead, water lilies, pondweed. The main diet for adult females when feeding duckings is earth worms, leeches, midges, clams and caddis flies which is also what the duckings are feed.

Nesting:  The nest is simply built by the female just before egg-laying time. Materials are grasses and stems taken from nearby the nest area, usually 2”-10” directly above the water to help protect from land predators. The size is 2”-4” deep and 9”-10” across with a ramp made to the water. The female lines the nest with her down feathers. Usually one egg per day is laid with a clutch size of 6-14 eggs.

Facts: Although called a Ring-necked Duck, it appears to have a ringed bill. The ring on the neck, how it gets its name is chestnut-colored and hard to see unless you are close up. Some Minnesota lakes are gathering places for hundreds of thousands of these ducks during fall migration to feed on wild rice.

Ring-necked Duck, female

Ring-necked Duck, female

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Ducks, males

Ring-necked Ducks, males

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck

Ring-necked Duck, male (3), Ring-necked Duck, female (1)

Ring-necked Duck, male (3), Ring-necked Duck, female (1)

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male-left /Ring-necked Duck, female-right

Ring-necked Duck, male

Ring-necked Duck, male


Ring-necked Ducks, 2 male, 1 female


Ring-necked Duck, male (4), Ring-necked Duck, female (1)


Ring-necked Duck, male with visible ring on neck






Ring-necked Ducks, males, one resting, one not


Just looking, Ring-necked Ducks, males


Ring-necked Duck, female


Look at those “Ring-necks”!


Just hanging out, Ring-necked Ducks, 2 males, 1 female




Killdeer at the Lake Express in Milwaukee Wisconsin on March 17, 2015

I birded the Milwaukee lakefront late morning and it was pretty quiet. The highlight was my FOY Killdeer at the Lake Express. There were 2 present late morning. This is a typical place to find them in spring. The open water had some ducks in some places but they were still the common species that have been recently reported. 1-White-winged Scoter was far out at the lighthouse. I stopped at Bradford Beach, it had a few of the Scaups and Ring-billed Gulls. What surprised me was the ~8 foot wall of ice that went the length of the beach that was there last week was just about gone from the recent warmup and wave action. It is ready for shorebirds, an algae mat would be a plus. Images were taken on March 17, 2015.



Binomial name: Charadrius vociferus

Category: Lapwings and Plovers

Size: 10.5” long, 24” wing span

Weight: 3.3 oz





For a few moments this one appeared to be working on a scrap for a possible nest site?



Killdeer young at Lake Express in Milwaukee Wisconsin on May 1, 2012










Partial display of the “broken wing distraction” to keep the unwanted away from the nest or nest area.

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch in Ashland County Wisconsin on March 15, 2015

6 of us, Mark K, Chris W, Ryan S, Brin, Derek S and myself made the long trip up this morning leaving Waukesha at 1:00 am with hopes to see the rare bird, the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. We arrived at the private residence well before 7:00 am. We set ourselves up a distance from the front feeders about 7:00 am waiting for our guest bird to show with bins and cameras in hand. At 7:20 the first bird to arrive at the feeders was the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. The bird ate plenty of sunflower seeds near the feeder before perching in a near by spruce tree. The bird remained in the spruce with nice views for the next 40 minutes. It then returned for more seeds and then again perched in the spruce nearby. The timing to see this bird could not have worked out better and the bird could not have been more photogenic. What makes this bird so very special is it is a western US bird that’s normal range is Colorado and west and into parts of Alaska and south to Arizona. This sighting is the 3rd state record for Wisconsin. What a beautiful bird and a life bird to boot for all of us!! What a fantastic day birding with great birders and friends. Also had the chance to meet up with a couple of great birders we have not seen for awhile. Early morning temperature was 38 degrees and cloudy. Also present Evening Grosbeaks and Pine Siskins. After that we took the 1.4 hour trek over to Superior and a try for the Gyrfalcon came up empty. The Common Eider was present at Barkers Island in it’s usual place with mallards. Many thanks to Ryan B for getting the information out on this rare birds location and thanks to the homeowners who shared it with others. Images were taken on March 15, 2015. Note: March 15, 2015 was the last day this bird was seen.


Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch

Binomial name: Leucosticte tephrocotis

Category: Fringilline and Cardueline Finches and Allies

Size: 6.25” long, 13” wing span

Weight: 0.91 oz




Back view

Back view

Side view

Side view


At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder with a Pine Siskin, size comparison image

At the feeder with a Pine Siskin, size comparison image

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

At the feeder

In the spruce tree

In the spruce tree

In the spruce tree

In the spruce tree

In the spruce tree

In the spruce tree


Wood Duck on the Pewaukee River in Pewaukee Wisconsin on March 7, 2015

After reading the post of the male Wood Duck on the Pewaukee River in Pewaukee this afternoon I just had to check it out. This is just down the road when it comes to birding. It was present when I arrived with a few onlookers. It was hanging out with some Mallards. What a beautiful duck with its striking colors, oh my! A Red-tailed Hawk came in twice looking for dinner but left empty. A skateboarder came by and flushed all the ducks from the river with the sound of his board. A big thank you to Christine L for posting her find sharing it with others. It sure was nice to be out with some milder temps. Images were taken on March 7, 2015.


Wood Duck

Binomial name: Aix sponsa

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 18.5” long, 30” wing span

Weight: 1.3 lb




























The back view

The back view


Red-throated Loons at Coal Dock Park in Port Washington Wisconsin on February 26, 2015

I went up to Port Washington this morning to see if the reported Red-throated Loons were present. I stopped at Coal Dock Park first. After getting out of my car, I spotted a known birder coming back from the end of the walk on the east end. He looked frozen solid. I asked him briefly about the loons, and he pointed right to where they were pretty far out, but inside the breakwall, thank you! There were 10 present. He said there were up to 11 at once there. He also said the loons had been there 13 days now. The Red-throated Loons stayed in that area for the time I was there today, except for one that came in towards the channel. That loon did not really come in all that close but it provided for some better views. The loon that came in seemed to spend most of it’s time underwater. It usually was only on the water surface for ~5-10 seconds. The loon  usually surfaced a long distance from where it went under so you just had to look everywhere for it to see it come back up. Other species present were species that had been recently reported by other birders. It was a very cold day at about 5-10 degrees with good winds out of the northwest, but well worth seeing these beautiful birds. Thanks to all who kept reports coming on these birds so others can view them as they are not very common here. Some of the images look a little foggy as fog was rolling across the harbor water while I was there today. Images were taken on February 26, 2015.


Red-throated Loon

Binomial name: Gavia stellata

Category: Loons

Description: Dark gray feathers with a white throat and underparts, small black and white strips on the back of its neck.  In breeding season, the throat turns red, thus the name.  Small bill which fluctuates between black and dark gray.

Size: 21” – 27” long, 36” – 47” wingspan

Weight: 2.2 lbs. – 6.0 lbs.

Habitat: Large lakes, coastal shorelines, inland rivers, and reservoirs.

Diet: Primarily fish, occasionally crustaceans, frogs, and aquatic invertebrates, rarely plants

Nesting: Both parents build the nest out of a mudscrape lined with plant material and some feathers.  The male will stand guard while the female incubates the eggs (2 eggs per clutch).  Both parents feed and raise the young and participate in distraction displays to lure predators away from the nest.  Mating pairs will breed for life.

Notes: Unlike other loon species which must take flight by running on the surface of water, the Red-throated Loon can fly directly from land or water.  It also does not carry its young on its back.






Getting ready for the dive

Getting ready for the dive

The dive

The dive


The dive


The dive


The resurface

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

A stretch in the rolling fog

Possible 11 Red-throated Loons

Possible 11 Red-throated Loons

Distant Great Black-backed Gull circle fly over

Distant Great Black-backed Gull circle fly over

Distant Great Black-backed Gull circle fly over

Distant Great Black-backed Gull circle fly over

White-winged Scoters at the Milwaukee River Mouth on the Milwaukee Lakefront on February 24, 2015

I birded a couple of hours today on the Milwaukee lakefront and it provided some nice views of White-winded Scoters. This location was at the Milwaukee River mouth near the lighthouse. There appeared to be 9 scoters present while I was there. One beautiful adult was present along with some females and 1st winters. All of the ducks present appeared to be diving for mussels and resting in between. Also present were many Greater Scaups and Common Goldeneyes, Common and Red-breasted Mergansers and a female Redhead. South Shore Yacht Club was froze up with only a couple of gulls and geese. I did not hang around long with the stiff northwest winds and cold temps, but nice to get out with some sun. I also had the opportunity to meet some birders today, seems like everyone is anxious for more spring like weather, it is less than a month away! If I have something labeled incorrect please let me know, thank you. Images were taken on February 24, 2015.

White-winged Scoter, male adult

White-winged Scoter, male adult

White-winged Scoter

Binomial name: Melanitta fusca

Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans

Size: 21” long, 34” wing span

Weight: 3.7 lb

White-winged Scoter, male adult

White-winged Scoter, male adult

White-winged Scoter, male adult, just before the dive!

White-winged Scoter, male adult, head up, just before the dive!


White-winged Scoter, male adult taking a dive for a mussel.


White-winged Scoter, male adult taking a dive for a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult taking a dive for a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult taking a dive for a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult with a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult with a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult with a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult with a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult with a mussel.

White-winged Scoter, male adult with a mussel just before swallowing it.

White-winged Scoter, male, adult with a Greater Scaup male in pursuit of the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, adult with a Greater Scaup male in pursuit of the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male adult shaking it off!

White-winged Scoter, male adult shaking it off!

White-winged Scoter, male adult

White-winged Scoter, male adult

White-winged Scoter, male adult back, White-winged Scoter, adult female front

White-winged Scoter, male, adult back, White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter front

White-winged Scoter, male

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter

White-winged Scoter, male,

White-winged Scoter, female, adult

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter female adult left, White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter right

White-winged Scoter, male, adult just resting

White-winged Scoter, male, adult just resting

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter going for the mussel

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter just resting

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter just resting

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter just resting

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter looking at you!

White-winged Scoter, male, 1st winter looking at you!

White-winged Scoter, male, adult just resting

White-winged Scoter, male, adult just resting

Common Goldeneye and Greater Scaup at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on February 22, 2015

I birded the Milwaukee lakefront this morning and it was pretty much the winter ducks with mostly Common Goldeneye and Greater Scaups. I had hoped to find a couple of Red-throated Loons since some are being reported in Port Washington. One never knows what shows up at the lakefront here from hour to hour. Some open water in a few locations on the lakefront. Some of those locations were the Lighthouse at the Milwaukee River mouth, and Lakeshore State Park. These locations had nice numbers of Common Goldeneye and Greater Scaup, with a few Common Mergansers. South Shore Yacht Club had just a little bit of open water, just a few ducks were present there. I ran into Mike W and he showed me some of his hot birding locations along the Menomonee River downtown. They were slow today with a American Coot and Common Mergansers and the typical winter ducks. They have been great spots for Mike over the years and I’ll have to get them on my list of places to hit in the future. Best views for ducks today was Lakeshore State Park. It was very cold day today with a stiff wind right out of the NW in the big open park, sun felt good when you were out of the wind. Images were taken on February 22, 2015.

Greater Scaup, female chasing a Greater Scaup for a mussel.

Greater Scaup, female chasing a Greater Scaup, male for a mussel.

Greater Scaup, female chasing a Greater Scaup, male for a mussel.

Greater Scaup, female chasing a Greater Scaup, male for a mussel.

Pair of Greater Scaups, males on the run.

Pair of Greater Scaups, males on the run.

Greater Scaup, male

Greater Scaup, male adult

Great Scaup, female with a small stretch

Great Scaup, female adult with a small stretch

Great Scaup, female with a small stretch

Great Scaup, female adult with a small stretch

Common Goldeneye, male

Common Goldeneye, male adult

Common Goldeneye, female

Common Goldeneye, female adult

Common Goldeneye, female interacting with a Common Goldeneye, male

Common Goldeneye, female interacting with a Common Goldeneye, male 1st year

Common Goldeneye, female interacting with a Common Goldeneye, male. Love the face of the Common Goldeneye male!

Common Goldeneye, female interacting with a Common Goldeneye, male, 1st year. Love the face of the Common Goldeneye male!

Greater Scaup, male

Greater Scaup, male adult

Greater Scaup just up from a dive but with no mussel.

Greater Scaup, male adult just up from a dive but with no mussel.

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head.

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head.

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head.

Greater Scaup, female preening

Greater Scaup, female preening

Pair of Greater Scaups, females just hanging out

Pair of Greater Scaups, females just hanging out

Greater Scaup, female

Greater Scaup, female

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year

Great Scaup, male, preening

Great Scaup, male, preening

Common Goldeneye, male, adult

Common Goldeneye, male, adult

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head.

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head 3/20/15

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head 3/20/15

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head 3/20/15

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head 3/20/15

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head 3/20/15

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head 3/20/15

Common Goldeneye, male 1st year, it appears the brown is starting to turn green on the head 3/20/15