One place I have never birded was the County Grounds Park in Wauwatosa Wisconsin. This morning I met up with Bruce there as he frequents this place often and we did some birding around the park. Some of the birds we saw were Dickcissels, Eastern Meadowlarks, and very many Savannah Sparrows. On the many acres of gentle hilly terrain, there are some nice foot trails there. Amazingly on some of that property you would think you were out in the middle of nowhere, not in the middle of a city. It appeared the Savannahs were nesting everywhere. Images were taken on June 20, 2017

Dickcissel, male

Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow bringing food to the young…

Savannah Sparrow calling

Savannah Sparrow calling

Dickcissel, male calling…

Dickcissel, male

Savannah Sparrow sitting pretty…

Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow stretching and calling…

Savannah Sparrow calling…

The setting at County Grounds Park

The setting at County Grounds Park

Dickcissel, male calling
As usual, great photos. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing these. They are a joy to look at!
bad feather day for your Savanna Sparrow.
Any Henslows sparrows? If you see one please photograph, needed for a survey as a species of concern. Thank you!
Wonderful pics!
Awesome, Jim. Love to see your show……every time .
Beautiful photos Jim.