A Northern Mockingbird was reported at Grant Park yesterday April 17th. I decided to make the trip down there today to see if it was still present, it was. It put on a nice show moving around the beach picnic area and then on to the river outlet area, all in short grass. It was always looking and listening for food as it moved around the short grass areas. At one time it pulled out a night crawler just like an American Robin would and ate it. It tossed the worm around some killing it and then down it went. What a beautiful bird along with the day it was with temps around 50 degrees and full sun. A little wind at times, then it was cold. Images were taken on April 18, 2023.

The beautiful Northern Mockingbird…

Looking and listening for something to eat…

It pulls a night crawler out of the ground…

Looks like it got the whole night crawler…

Takes a short break after all that pulling, looks pretty tasty…

Does some stabbing to settle it down…

The bird then spends sometime tossing it around making sure it is maybe dead or edible…

Night crawler in mid-air…

More of the same…

And more of the same…

Starting to take it in…

Going down…

Almost down…

A shot in the tree, as it moved around, sometimes into trees…
Very nice. Indeed
Love the multiple shots of the tasty meal! Feel like I was actually there watching it all. I have a big question. Have there been any sightings to date of any Baltimore Orioles? I’m ready to set out my platform feeder built just for them but the weather has been up and down and this is about the time they begin migrating through.
I love the series of the worm going down. Especially the image you just titled “going down.” Also, your “shot in the tree” is masterful.
Great sequence of photos that really tells a story. Thanks for sharing this.
Wow, awesome series with the worm. Love your sense of humor.