Red-headed Woodpeckers nesting and raising young in the South Kettle Moraine near Eagle Wisconsin May 2012

I came across a pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers in the South Kettle Moraine near Eagle Wisconsin. It appeared they were setting their sights on a dead oak tree, a place to raise young this year. I watched this pair for almost 2 months and almost daily. I started observing them … Continue reading

Barrow’s Goldeneye at North Point in Sheboygan Wisconsin on January 7, 2011

Barrow’s Goldeneye, male, at North Point in Sheboygan Wisconsin on January 7, 2011. This duck remained far from shore during it’s short visit in Sheboygan. A very rare visitor to the state of Wisconsin. Only distant images could be taken. Some images show both male Barrow’s Goldeneye and Common Goldeneye … Continue reading

Lesser Black-backed Gull at Johnson Creek in Jefferson County Wisconsin on December 18, 2012

A hot spot for gulling in the cold winter months of the year is the dump and Kohl’s parking lot in Johnson Creek Wisconsin. It can provide nice views of some winter wandering gulls. Today one of the gulls present was a Lesser Black-backed Gull. Images were taken on December … Continue reading


Sanderling Binomial name: Calidris alba Category: Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies Description: Whitish-gray feathers with a thick, black bill and feet. Size: 7.1″ – 7.9″ long, 13.8″ wingspan Weight: 1.4 oz. – 3.5 oz. Habitat: Rocky shorelines in coastal and island regions or inland marshes and wetlands. Diet: Insects, crustaceans, invertebrates, … Continue reading