The Bonaparte’s Gull were plentiful at North Point in Sheboygan Wisconsin along with my previous post of the presence of the Little Gulls there. I also made a stop at the Port Washington Harbor and got distant views of the reported Laughing Gull. I view the gull from the Coal Dock Park there and almost missed it as it was way out on the side of a stone wall near the water. Some of the other species present at North Point in Sheboygan were 5 American White Pelicans and 10 Caspian Terns. To my understanding the Bonaparte’s are adults with the dark solid black hood and anything less of solid black is a 1st summer. Correct me if I am wrong, thank you! Images were taken on June 10, 2014.

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult
Bonaparte’s Gull
Binomial name: Larus philadelphia
Category: Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Size: 13.5” long, 33” wing span
Weight: 7 oz.
Habitat: Typically breeds near bogs or on lakes in coniferous forests in western Canada and Alaska. The Bonaparte’s spend winters on lakes, marshes bays and beach areas on coasts.
Diet: Small fish, aquatic insects and large invertebrates
Nesting: The open cup nest usually found in a tree but sometimes on the ground. The nest is constructed of sticks, small branches, tree bark and lined with lichens and moss material. Clutch size is 1-4 eggs that are greenish with dark spots on blotches.
Cool facts: The Bonaparte’s Gull is the only gull that commonly nests in a tree. The only gull smaller than the Bonaparte’s is the Little Gull. Often catches flying insects on their wings during the breeding season.

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Laughing Gull – adult

Laughing Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult front right, Bonaparte’s Gull 1st summer back left

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – adult

Bonaparte’s Gull – in flight!

Bonaparte’s Gull – in flight!

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

Bonaparte’s Gull – 1st summer

American White Pelicans – North Point Sheboygan

American White Pelicans – North Point Sheboygan

Caspian Tern