The beautiful adult Purple Gallinule was present when I arrived in Mauston this morning. The normal range for this bird is Florida, so very rare for Wisconsin. Someone said, was it the recent hurricane? The Purple Gallinule hung with a couple of Mallard Ducks and an Indian Runner Duck. At times it was far from the mallards eating along the shores within the brush in the ditch. At times too it was not in sight, hidden in the grasses and not moving around much. The colors on this bird are breathtaking. I did see it fly twice, just an amazing bird blue bird in the air. Thanks to Jeri for finding this rare bird and sharing, obviously a life bird for me! It was mostly cloudy in Mauston while I was present with mild temps, no wind. Images were taken on October 13, 2016.
Purple Gallinule
Binomial name: Porphyrula martinica
Category: Rails, Gallinules, and Coots
Size: 13” long, 22” wing span
Weight: 8 oz

Typically it was feeding in the brush along the ditch shore

Indian Runner Duck

Indian Runner Duck

Early morning sun in the grasses

Early morning sun in the grasses
Poor bird! It has no idea what is coming!!!! BRRR!
This is incredible. Yes must have been the hurricane but it ended up with its’ navigational system fried. Now it is in big weather trouble.
Maybe it will have the sense to start flying south. Thanks for posting Jim.
Congratulations, Jim and beautiful photos. Looks like the bird was really cooperative for your photo session. A terrific sighting in Wisconsin!
These photos are stunning, Jim! Thanks for posting!
Awesome pics, Jim. Yours are much better than any I could find in a field guide. Somehow I knew you’d be heading that way when the rare bird alert came through. Thanks so much for bringing this gem into our view.
Excellent work Jim…what a beautiful bird
Great shots. An amazing bird. I don’t even recall seeing it when paging through the various guides.
Jim-Wow! This bird is particularly lovely, this cold December night. Thanks-